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The church depends on the financial support of its congregants.教会依赖会众的财政资助。Moral as well as financial support was what the West should provide.西方国家应该提供道义支持和经济援助。He applied for financial support from the state.他向州政府申请经济援助。He failed to get financial support from his employers.他未能得到雇主的经济支持。Less profitable business operations will have difficulty in finding financial support.盈利较少的企业将很难得到财政资助。Having to depend on her father for financial support was just not worth it, Sylvia decided.依靠父亲资助根本不值得,西尔维娅是这么想的。The party receives most of its financial support from big business.这个政党主要从大财团那里获取财力支持。They are seeking financial support from various sources.他们正通过各种途径来寻求财力支持。Private companies should not rely on financial support from the government.私人公司不应该依赖政府的财政援助。The lack of financial support is our biggest/only complaint.缺乏财政支持是我们最大/唯一的不满。Since she has married she dispensed with the financial support of her parents.结婚后她就不再需要父母的经济支持了。The American team seemed to have all the advantages - better training, better facilities, and much better financial support.美国队似乎占尽优势—训练好、设施好,得到的赞助更是多出许多。The authors gratefully acknowledge your financial support.作者已收到您的资助,他们表示十分感谢。My mother relied on me for financial support.我妈妈在经济上靠我支持。My parents decided to punish me by withdrawing financial support.我的父母决定通过停止经济支持来惩罚我。The dance company has called on ballet-lovers everywhere for financial support.该舞蹈团已经呼吁各地芭蕾舞爱好者给予他们财政上的支持。The program is in desperate/dire/urgent need of financial support.这个计划急需资金支持。The Act provides that only the parents of a child have a responsibility for that child's financial support.法令规定只有孩子的父母才有责任为孩子提供经济支持。Will financial support for the theatre project be forthcoming?剧院项目会得到财政支持吗?The senator has spent much time garnering financial support for his upcoming campaign.参议员花了很多时间为自己即将参加的竞选争取财政支持。The tourist trade is screaming for financial support.旅游业强烈要求财政支持。He will appeal to the government for financial support.他将会呼吁政府提供财政援助。Romania suffered another setback in its efforts to obtain financial support for its reforms.罗马尼亚为改革寻求经济援助的努力再次受挫。 |