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词汇 crushed
例句 We were crushed out of the auditorium.我们被挤出礼堂。She was crushed between two cars.她被挤在两辆小汽车之间。Remove the butter from the heat and stir in the crushed biscuits.黄油加热后拿出来,拌入压碎的饼干。The panic-stricken crowd pushed through the exit, and 10 people were crushed to death.惊恐万状的人群从出口处冲出,有十个人被挤死。I was crushed that I wasn't invited.我因为没有被邀请而心烦意乱。He was crushed beneath a bus.他被压在一辆公共汽车下。The box was crushed when the car ran over it.汽车辗过箱子时把它压坏了。The road roller crushed the soft dirt.那台压路机把松软的泥土碾平了。We were at the front, crushed against the stage.我们在前面,被挤到了舞台边上。He was crushed to death under the rubble.他被瓦砾压死了。His body was crushed and mangled beyond recognition.他的身体被压得血肉模糊,根本无法辨认。The package had been badly crushed in the post.包裹在邮寄过程中被压而严重受损。Their vehicle was crushed by an army tank.他们的汽车被军用坦克压扁了。He crushed the beetle deliberately, which is very typical of him.他有意把那只甲虫碾碎,只有他才会这样做。They were trapped inside the crushed car and had to be cut free. = They had to be cut from the car.他们被困在压扁的车里,只有把汽车切开才能脱身。The rebellion was crushed by an army assault in which over 200 people died.在军队的进攻下叛乱被镇压了下去,死了二百多人。She was utterly crushed by the news of her boyfriend's death.她男朋友去世的消息彻底击垮了她。Curtis was partially crushed underneath the helicopter as it hit the ground.直升机撞到地面时,柯蒂斯身体的一部分被飞机压住了。The crowd stampeded and many were crushed or trampled underfoot.人群争先恐后地奔逃,很多人被压伤或踩踏。Add one clove of freshly crushed garlic.加上一瓣刚刚捣碎的大蒜。His arm was badly crushed in the car accident.他的胳膊在车祸中被压成重伤。Andrew crushed his empty can.安德鲁把他的空罐子捏扁了。People lay crushed to death beneath the rubble of their houses.人们被压死在房屋的瓦砾堆下。Hundreds of onlookers crushed into the narrow alleys.数百名旁观者挤进狭窄的小巷。We were crushed against the stage.我们被挤到舞台边上了。The bullet had crushed his helmet and glanced off.子弹打碎了他的头盔,弹了开去。The rocks were crushed into dust.岩石被碾成粉末。The drink is served over crushed ice.饮料中放了碎冰块。One side of their van was crushed.他们的篷车一侧被撞坏了。He crushed the bloom with regardless tread.他毫不在意一脚践踏了鲜花。The blast wave crushed the breath from Neil, but he survived.爆炸冲击波震得尼尔喘不过气来,不过他还是得以幸存。Her arm was crushed in the accident.事故中她的胳膊被压骨折了。The rebellion was quickly crushed by forces loyal to the President.叛乱被效忠于总统的部队迅速镇压了。The crowd stampeded and many were crushed or trampled underfoot.人群争相逃窜,许多人遭碾压、踩踏。They crushed grains of corn down into a powder.他们把玉米粒碾成粉。The rebellion has been crushed, but mopping-up operations may take several weeks.叛乱已被粉碎,但肃清行动可能还要几个星期。She was crushed against the wall.她被挤在墙上。The pulp was crushed to extract the juice.果肉被压碎以榨取果汁。Their plot to overthrow the government was crushed.他们企图推翻政府的阴谋被粉碎了。Army forces crushed the revolt, forcing many to flee the country.军队镇压了叛乱,迫使许多人逃离了该国。




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