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词汇 蓄意
例句 He made his fortune as a corporate raider.他靠蓄意收购公司发了财。He accused him of knowingly spreading falsehoods in an effort to blacken my character.他指控他蓄意散布虚假信息以玷污我的人格。She described the charges as malicious.她称这些指控是蓄意伤人。Police believe the fire was started by arsonists.警方认为这起火灾是有人蓄意纵火。Maria didn't plan to kill Fiona. It was an accident.玛丽亚没有蓄意要杀死菲奥娜,那是个意外。A peaceful demonstration had been hijacked by anarchists intent on causing trouble.和平示威已经遭到蓄意制造事端的无政府主义者的操控。He is charged with using a false name with intent to commit fraud.他被控使用假名字蓄意欺诈。It was a cruel, calculated crime with absolutely no justification.这是一起凶残的、蓄意策划的罪行,毫无正当理由。This crime was done deliberately.这一罪行系蓄意所为。It's not clear whether the incident was an accident or deliberate.不清楚这一事件是意外事故还是蓄意所为。They consciously promote racial antagonism between white and black workers.他们蓄意挑拨白人工人和黑人工人进行种族对抗。The company engaged in a deliberate effort to cheat them out of their pensions.公司涉嫌蓄意骗取他们的养老金。This was a deliberate ambush of a routine police patrol.这是蓄意伏击例行巡逻的警察。The rainforest is being systematically destroyed.雨林正遭到蓄意毁坏。They deliberately tried to smear him by telling lies about his war record.他们对他的战争经历胡说八道,试图蓄意对他进行诋毁。Thousands of people were systematically slaughtered by their oppressors.数千人遭到压迫者的蓄意杀戮。The car's tires were slashed by saboteurs.这辆车的轮胎被人蓄意割破了。The photograph of the two leaders shaking hands was deliberately staged.两位领导人握手的照片是蓄意安排的。Those Nazi soldiers killed the old man in cold blood.那些纳粹士兵蓄意把那老人残酷地杀了。It was clearly a calculated attempt to embarrass the police chief.这显然是蓄意让警长难堪之举。How do you respond to the allegation that you deliberately deceived your employers?有人指控你蓄意欺骗雇主,你怎么回应?She believes she is the victim of a media conspiracy to discredit her.她认为自己是媒体蓄意败坏名声的受害者。The company says that the explosion was no accident but a deliberate act of sabotage.该公司说那起爆炸绝非事故,而是蓄意的阴谋破坏行为。He was convinced that his arrest had been a planned setup.他确信他的被捕是蓄意陷害。FBI agents believe Thursday's power failure was a deliberate act of sabotage.联邦调查局的探员确信星期四的断电事故是蓄意的破坏行为。Both deny conspiring to cause actual bodily harm.两人都否认蓄意造成人身伤害。My insurance excludes acts of sabotage and damage done by weapons of war.我购买的保险对于蓄意损坏以及战争中武器造成的损坏不予赔偿。It looks as if the blaze was started deliberately.看起来似乎是有人蓄意纵火。The defendants were convicted of wilfully promoting racial hatred.这些被告被判犯有蓄意煽动种族仇恨的罪行。What he said to me was a studied insult.他对我说的那些话乃是蓄意侮辱。This was a deliberate attempt to deceive the public.这是蓄意要欺骗公众的行为。Murder is the killing of another person with malice aforethought.谋杀指蓄意杀人的行为。His final refuge was a web of lies and deceit.他的最后一招就是编造一大篇谎言,蓄意欺骗。A gang of youths are roaming the city, vandalising stores, starting fires, and terrorizing people.一帮青年在城里游荡,捣毁商店,蓄意纵火,恐吓市民。There have been allegations in the press that the fire was started deliberately.报界中有说法称这次火灾是蓄意所为。The law draws a distinction between different types of killing, according to whether it was intended or not.这条法律根据蓄意杀人还是误杀将不同类型的杀人罪加以区分。Witnesses say the firing was deliberate and sustained.目击者说枪击是蓄意而且持续的。It was their deliberate intent to provoke an all-out war.他们蓄意挑起全面战争。I believe the house was deliberately set fire to.我认为有人蓄意放火烧这幢房子。In a case of premeditated murder a life sentence is mandatory.蓄意杀人依法要判无期徒刑。




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