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词汇 董事长
例句 Doreen's leaving party looked more like a board meeting, with the chairman and directors there to say goodbye.多琳的离职聚会看上去更像是一次董事会议,董事长和董事们都来和他道别。After a heated debate, Hayes won the presidency.经过一场激烈的辩论,海斯当上了董事长The chairman expressed his desire to expand the company.董事长表达了想扩大公司规模的愿望。The chairman will face a rough ride from shareholders.股东不会让董事长好过的。The first thing the new chairman of the company did was to shake up the management.公司新任董事长所做的第一件事就是重组管理层。The chairman told a news conference of the upcoming merger.董事长在新闻发布会上宣布了即将合并的事。This latest document throws suspicion on the company chairman.这份最新的文件使人们开始对公司的董事长产生了怀疑。He sits on the board of several companies.他担任几家公司的董事长There is a difference of opinion between the chairman and the board as to the best way to handle the takeover.哪种为最佳的接管方式,董事长与董事会之间有不同意见。The chairman buzzed his secretary.董事长用蜂鸣器传唤他的秘书。The stock market was buoyed by comments from the Bank of England chairman.英格兰银行董事长的评论振奋了股市。The chairman is minuted as having said that profits had fallen to an all-time low.根据会议记录,董事长说利润已降到历史最低点。The chairman is expected to cave in to pressure from shareholders.董事长估计会在股东的压力下作出让步。The chairman wields considerable influence over the board's decisions.董事长对董事会的决定有相当大的影响力。The chairman of the company issued a denial of the allegations.公司董事长否认了这些指控。In his first years as chairman he was instrumental in raising the company's wider profile.他任董事长的最初几年为提升公司的知名度起到了积极的推动作用。My uncle is the nominal Chairman of the Board of our company. I am the one who is calling the shots.我叔叔只是公司名义上的董事长,实际上是由我掌权。He noticed a memo from the chairman on Wilson's desk.他注意到威尔逊的书桌上有张董事长留的便条。Manley gradually worked her way up, and within ten years became chairwoman of the board.曼利逐步升职,十年之内就成了董事长Chairman Gou donated 10 billion to NTU to create a cancer hospital. That was the biggest act of philanthropy of that year.董事长捐给台大一百亿成立癌症医院。这是当年最大的慈善之举。The president of the company was trying to cut to the chase about the problem.公司董事长对这问题采取直截了当的方法。The chairman accepted their resignations.董事长接受了他们的辞职。The company president, and my immediate superior, was the dynamic Harry Stokes.公司的董事长,也就是我的直接上司,是精力充沛的哈里·斯托克斯。The board members were after the chairman's scalp.董事会成员要罢免董事长There are rumors that the president struck a private deal with the corporation's chairman.有传言称董事长已和该公司的主席私下里达成了协议。She is married to a company chairman.她和一名公司董事长结婚了。The company's employees disliked the new chairman's autocratic style.公司员工不喜欢这位新董事长的专横作风。The president of this company is just a figurehead - the Chief Executive has day-to-day control.这家公司的董事长只是个傀儡——日常事务都是执行总裁控制。The chairman rose from his chair and came forward to greet her.董事长从他的椅子上站起来上前迎接她。I'm afraid you're out of luck. The director has already left for the day.恐怕你运气不好,董事长今天已经走了。The directors railroaded their chairman into a decision.董事们迫使董事长仓促作出决定。Richardson resigned as chairman, leaving the company floundering.理查德森辞去了董事长职务,公司因此在困境中苦苦挣扎。The chairman was fired for pocketing funds.董事长因私吞资金被解雇了。The Chairman's speech received a salvo of applause.董事长的演说得到一阵欢呼。A political furore erupted following his appointment as director.他被任命为董事长后,爆发了一场政治骚动。Not long after the chairman resigned, shares in the company tanked.董事长辞职后不久,该公司的股票就暴跌了。It took a lot of audacity to stand up and criticize the chairman.站出来批评董事长需要很大的勇气。In the final analysis, I have to rebut your invitation to become the chairman of this company.总而言之,我必须拒绝你的邀请,不能出任这家公司的董事长He rose to become chairman of the company.他升为公司的董事长The chairman spoke of the achievements of the company in glowing terms.董事长对公司取得的成就大加赞誉。




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