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词汇 葡萄干
例句 Raisins are dipped in boiling water to impart a sheen and to soften the skin.葡萄干被浸入沸水,以增添光泽并使其表皮软化。The raisins plump up as they cook.在烹调过程中葡萄干鼓胀起来。For breakfast I have porridge made with water, to which I add raisins.早餐我喝用水煮的麦片粥,还往里加葡萄干I bought some lovely raisin buns at the bakery. Shall I bring you one with some tea?.我在面包店里买了些很好吃的葡萄干圆面包,要不要我给你拿一个,再来点儿茶?Eventually the grapes will shrivel and become raisins,最后葡萄会干瘪下去变成葡萄干Soak the raisins in warm water till they soften.葡萄干浸在温水里泡软。She was sitting at the kitchen table eating a currant bun.她正坐在餐桌旁,吃着葡萄干圆面包。Mother put some raisins in the cake.母亲在糕饼中放了一些葡萄干




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