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词汇 珍贵
例句 He unearthed a rare early recording by Billie Holiday.他发现了一张珍贵的比利·霍利迪早期的唱片。It was Renaissance portraiture that inspired these precious earrings.正是文艺复兴时期的肖像给了这些珍贵的耳环以灵感。With a faintly martyred air, Eric poured more of his precious cognac.带着几分可怜兮兮的神情,埃里克又倒了几杯他珍贵的科涅克白兰地酒。I stumbled upon the rare book in a second-hand bookstore.我在一家旧书店偶然找到这本珍贵的书。Her family's support is particularly precious to Josie.家人的支持对乔茜而言尤为珍贵This book is the jewel of my collection.这部书是我全部藏书中最珍贵的一本。On the opposite wall hung a valuable old painting.对面墙上挂着一幅珍贵的古画。The church has several valuable works of art.教堂有几件珍贵的艺术品。I only found out its real worth when I tried to buy another one.我试图再买一件时,才发现它竟是那么珍贵I was eager to get my hands on these rare recordings.我渴望得到这些珍贵的录音。Letters and rare maps are handsomely reproduced in the book.那本书中的信件和珍贵地图复制得很精美。With geological maps, books and atlases you can find out all the proven sites of precious minerals.有了地质图、书籍和地图册,你便可以找到所有已探明的珍贵矿藏的位置。This stamp is the pick of my collection.这一张是我收集的邮票中最珍贵的。Rare instruments are usually insured for their full replacement value.珍贵的仪器通常都有全额更换保险。He made the mistake of leaving his valuable record collection with a former girlfriend.他犯了一个错误,把自己收藏的一批珍贵唱片留在了以前的一个女友那里。Hundreds of valuable books had gone up in smoke.成百上千的珍贵书籍付之一炬。Some of the best effects in my garden have been the result of serendipity.我园子里最珍贵的几件物品是机缘巧合之下意外所得。What I'd give to be a fly on the wall when Davis finds out what's happened to his precious cargo.我多么希望能够看到戴维斯发现他珍贵的货物出事时的样子啊。Britain's rarest breeding birds are under threat from fanatical and selfish egg collectors.英国最珍贵的种鸟正因为那些狂热而自私的鸟蛋收集者而面临着威胁。It is the most valuable stamp collection in the world, but at present it is rarely seen outside the world of philately.这是世界上最珍贵的集邮收藏品,但目前在集邮界以外难得一见。Many of the paintings burned, but the most valuable ones were saved.许多画作被焚毁,但是最珍贵的被抢救出来了。This Bob Dylan anthology includes some rare recordings of his best songs.鲍勃•迪伦的这张歌曲集收录了他一些最佳歌曲的珍贵录音。This is my most treasured memory.这是我最为珍贵的回忆。Salt is nearly as precious as gold in many places.在很多地方,盐几乎和金子一样珍贵It is comforting to have a storehouse of treasured memories.拥有一座藏满了珍贵记忆的宝库真是令人欣慰。Water is becoming an increasingly precious resource.水正成为日益珍贵的资源。Raids on apartments yielded documents containing a gold mine of information.对公寓的突击搜查获得了内含大量珍贵情报的文件。The best things in life are free.生命中最珍贵的东西是无价的。Environmental laws are strict about polluting precious water.环境法对珍贵水源的污染有严格的规定。This old violin had been her father's most treasured possession.这把旧的小提琴一直都是她父亲最珍贵的财产。She owns a valuable first edition of Huckleberry Finn.她拥有《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》的珍贵头版单本。One of the gallery's most prized possessions is the portrait of Ginevra de'Benci.这个美术馆最珍贵的藏品之一是达芬奇的《女子肖像》。With geological maps, books, and atlases, you can find out all the proven sites of precious minerals.有了地质图、相关书籍和地图册,你就可以找到所有已探明的珍贵矿藏的位置。The art gallery was broken into last night, and the thieves got away with two valuable paintings.艺术馆昨晚遭入室盗窃,被偷走了两幅珍贵的画。I'm reluctant to part with any of my precious books.那些珍贵的书籍我一本都不愿卖掉。The museum has a fine collection of valuable glass.这个博物馆收藏了一批珍贵的玻璃制品。The thieves stole several valuable works of art.盗贼偷走了几件珍贵的艺术品。Some valuable paintings went/came under the hammer today.几幅珍贵油画今天被拍卖了。Henry chanced upon some valuable coins in the attic.亨利无意中在阁楼里发现了一些很珍贵的硬币。He threw a valuable drawing out, thinking it was trash.他把一幅珍贵的绘画丢了,认为不过是垃圾作品。




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