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词汇 萨莉
例句 Sally will be ringing the bell for tea in a minute.萨莉过一会儿就会摇铃让上茶。Sally spun round, a feigned look of surprise on her face.萨莉急转过身来,脸上装出一副吃惊的表情。Sally designs and makes all her own clothes.萨莉的衣服都是她自己设计制作的。Sally ran out of the house, clasping her schoolbooks to her chest.萨莉胸前抱着她的教科书冲出了屋子。He's sad about Sally leaving him, but he'll bounce back.萨莉离开他,他很伤心,但是他很快会振作起来的。Sally lives with her mother and her spinster aunt.萨莉跟她母亲和她的老处女姨妈住在一起。Sally looked down at her sleeve and removed a small speck of dirt.萨莉低头看了看她的袖子,掸掉了一个小泥点。Sally was bent over her desk.萨莉弯腰趴在她的课桌上。Sally spent hours getting ready, plucking her eyebrows and painting her nails.萨莉花了几个小时作准备,又拔眉毛又涂指甲的。You go ahead and we'll wait here for Sally.你先去,我们在这里等萨莉I'm staying with Sally until my heating gets fixed – it's just a temporary arrangement.在我的暖气装上之前我和萨莉一起住,这只是个暂时的安排。As Sally approached wearing her new dress, the others exchanged glances and tried not to laugh.萨莉穿着新衣服走过来时,其他人都互换眼色,尽量忍着不笑出来。Sally saw the ambulance and stopped short.萨莉看到救护车就一下子止住了脚步。Sally had always been self-conscious about her height.萨莉总是对自己的身高感到难为情。Sally drank her water, then grimaced at the taste.萨莉喝了水,味道之怪让她做了个鬼脸。Those boxes are nothing to do with me. Sally left them there.那些箱子跟我没关系,是萨莉放在那儿的。It never occurred to Sally that the man had any bad intentions.萨莉从未想过这男人会有任何不良企图。Sally let out a low whistle of surprise.萨莉轻轻吹了声口哨,表示惊讶。He glanced quickly at Sally and then looked away again.他迅速地扫了萨莉一眼,接着又把目光转向别处。Sally smiled to herself. It was easy to attract men. Like taking candy from a baby.萨莉自己暗暗笑了。吸引男人真是容易,就像哄小孩的糖果吃。Can Sally go back in your room and lie down? She's really out of it.萨莉可以回你的房间躺下来吗?她神志很模糊了。Sally's on the other phone - would you like to hang on?萨莉正在接另一个电话,你能等一会儿吗?He took special care to stay clear of any place where Sally might be.他格外小心,避开萨莉可能去的任何地方。I've always liked Sally - she's a lot of fun.我一直喜欢萨莉—她很有趣。Sally looks after the accounts, and I'm in charge of the building itself.萨莉负责账目,我管建筑项目。Sally hung around for over an hour but no-one came.萨莉空等了一个多小时,但一个人也没来。The shelves were lined with books which neither Hugo nor Sally would ever open, much less read.书架上排满了雨果和萨莉都不会去打开、更不用说去读的书。From the moment she first joined the company, Sally just didn't belong.萨莉从第一天到公司来上班的时候起就与别人格格不入。Her Aunt Sallie gave her an uncharacteristically extravagant gift.萨莉姨妈送给她一件贵得离谱的礼物。Sally teaches the under-5s.萨莉教五岁以下的孩子。Sally took the car to the garage to get it repaired.萨莉把车送到修理厂去修理了。Sally bent down to tie her shoelaces.萨莉弯下腰来系鞋带。Sally is an excellent administrator. She is highly thought of here.萨莉是位出色的行政人员,在这里她得到很高的评价。Sally was weighed down with shopping bags.萨莉提着购物袋颇感费力。You're doing a good job there, Sally. I don't know what we'd do without you.你在那儿干得不错,萨莉。没有你,我真不知道我们该怎么办。With encouragement, Sally is starting to play with the other children.萨莉得到了鼓励,开始和其他孩子玩起来。Sally's offer for the house has been accepted, but she's worried she might be gazumped.萨莉出的房价卖主接受了,但是她担心若有更高的出价卖主会食言毁约。When I left, Sally was getting chatted up by the barman.我离开时,萨莉正和酒吧男招待调情。Have you thought about approaching Sally? She might be able to help.你想过跟萨莉联系吗?她或许能帮上忙。Sally guessed that he had been drinking for most of the afternoon.萨莉猜想下午大部分时间他都在喝酒。




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