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词汇 crumbled
例句 The autumn leaves crumbled in my fingers.秋叶在我指间碎了。The soft earth of the riverbank crumbled under his feet.他把河岸上的松土踩碎了。Their economy crumbled under the weight of United Nations sanctions.在联合国制裁的重压之下,他们的经济崩溃了。The quake crumbled the walls of the hospital.地震把那所医院的墙震坍了。In the end, the Roman Empire crumbled.最终,罗马帝国崩溃了。The fall leaves crumbled in my fingers.秋叶在我手中碎裂了。She crumbled an empty snail shell in her fingers.她用手指捏碎了一个空蜗牛壳。The mighty empire finally crumbled.这个强大的帝国最终瓦解了。The city's ramparts crumbled long ago.这座城市的城墙很久以前就崩塌了。States had disappeared, dynasties crumbled, but the village community had persisted.虽然诸侯国灭亡了,王朝瓦解了,但是这个村落却存留了下来。The arch had crumbled under the weight of all those stones.拱门禁不住那些石块的全部重力而坍塌了。She nervously crumbled the bread between her fingers.她紧张地在指间捻着面包。Opposition more or less crumbled away.反对势力差不多都瓦解了。My determination crumbled as soon as I saw her.我一看见她决心就荡然无存。Peace talks between the two parties have crumbled. 两党间的和谈彻底失败了。He roughly crumbled the cheese into a bowl.他把干酪粗略弄碎,装入一只碗内。She was extremely depressed after her marriage crumbled.婚姻失败后她沮丧至极。Many houses crumbled into cinders.许多房子化为了灰烬。Under the pressure, the flint crumbled into fragments.燧石在压力作用下裂成了碎片。I cannot recall any other instance in modern times in which a huge and mighty state crumbled to dust.我想不出当代还有哪个疆域辽阔、国力强大的国家像这样分崩离析、灰飞烟灭。Parts of the old brick walls had crumbled to the ground.部分旧砖墙已经损坏,坍塌在地。Mrs. Suggs crumbled the bread into hot milk.萨格斯太太把面包弄碎放入热牛奶中。Briggs’ resolve crumbled and he reached for the whisky bottle.布里格斯的决心动摇了,伸手去拿威士忌酒瓶。The recent earthquake crumbled the walls of many houses.最近一次地震震坍了许多房子的墙。The recipe calls for the herbs to be crumbled.食谱要求把香叶弄碎。




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