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词汇 crumb
例句 The bird pecked the crumb rapidly from between my fingers.这只鸟迅速地啄食我指间的面包屑。He flipped a crumb across the room.他把面包屑弹到房间那一头。The late goal was to be their only crumb of comfort on a miserable afternoon.迟来的进球是对他们一个痛苦的下午的唯一一点安慰。He removed the crumb with a flip of the thumb and forefinger.他用拇指与食指轻轻弹去面包屑。She flicked a crumb off the corner of her mouth.她擦掉嘴角的面包屑。She provided a crumb of hope.她带来了一线希望。The money is a financial crumb compared to the needed billion dollars.这钱与所需的亿万元相比真是沧海一粟。Klessmann ate self-consciously, pecking at the food, a crumb at a time.克勒斯曼拘谨地小口吃着,每次只吃一点点。At last Andrew gave them a crumb of information.最后,安德鲁向他们透露了一点信息。She hasn't touched a single crumb of her dinner.她一口饭都没吃。They couldn't find a crumb of evidence against her.他们找不到丝毫对她不利的证据。What is lacking in my breads is a soft, moist crumb.我烤的面包心不够松软、湿糯。There was only one crumb of comfort – Alex hadn't said anything to Jeff.唯有一点是值得安慰的,那就是亚历克斯对杰夫什么也没说。




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