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词汇 莉萨
例句 Blake may seem bossy, but it's Lisa that really wears the trousers in that relationship.布赖恩可能看起来比较专横,但我告诉你,他们两个中真正说了算的是莉萨Lisa's one of the most popular girls in class.莉萨是班里最讨人喜欢的女孩之一。She was startled when Lisa popped up at the door all smiles.莉萨满脸堆笑地出现在门口时,她大吃一惊。Lisa heard a chair scraping the floor.莉萨听到椅子刮擦地板的声音。I could hardly see Lisa in the role of ministering angel.我很难想象出莉萨成为一个救死扶伤的天使会是个什么样子。Pippa Hinchley is badly miscast as Lisa.皮帕·欣克利饰演莉萨的角色非常不合适。Theresa could see all her good work going down the tubes.莉萨能看到自己做得好好的工作全都白费了。She could only hope and pray that Liza would be back to her normal self the next time she saw her.她只能祈盼下回见到莉萨的时候,她会恢复正常。Lisa is deaf in one ear and partially blind.莉萨一只耳朵失聪,而且部分失明。Lisa looked back at him unflinchingly.莉萨毫不畏惧地回头看着他。Lisa felt a dull ache spreading up her arm.莉萨感到整条手臂隐隐作痛。He was true to his word and said nothing about it to Lisa.他说话算话,关于此事对莉萨只字未提。I'm dying to meet Lisa's new boyfriend.我迫不及待想见见莉萨的新男友。Lisa and I are through. 我和莉萨分手了。Lisa ran at him and butted him in the stomach.莉萨扑向他,一头撞在他肚子上。These are my children, Joe and Lisa.这俩是我的孩子,乔和莉萨Dan shares an office with Lisa.丹和莉萨共用一间办公室。Lisa let the air out of the balloon.莉萨给气球放了气。Lisa ate the cake with obvious enjoyment.莉萨吃着蛋糕,显得很开心。As I see it, Lisa, you don't really have a great deal of room for manoeuvre.据我看,莉萨,你其实没有多少回旋的余地。Lisa passed so close to Paul that he got a whiff of her perfume.莉萨经过时离保罗很近,近得他都闻到了她身上的一股香水味。She tried to call Lisa, but the phone was busy.她想给莉萨打电话,但电话占线。Lisa has an American boy.莉萨有个美国男朋友。No one mentioned the divorce, so Lisa decided to steer clear of that subject.谁都不提离婚的事,所以莉萨决定避开这个话题。Lisa was, unbelievably, pregnant again.莉萨又怀孕了,真让人难以相信。Wearing an unattractive blouse and old-fashioned skirt, Lisa looked older than she was.莉萨穿了一件难看的衬衫和一条过时的裙子,看上去比实际年龄要大。Lisa is very extrovert, but her sister is a little shy.莉萨性格很外向,可她妹妹有点腼腆。Her brothers went out a lot, but Lisa never got to go.她的兄弟经常出去,但是莉萨却从来不能出去。Parts of Lisa's story sounded outlandish, and no one would believe her.莉萨的叙述中有些内容听起来很离奇,没人会相信她。I was with Lisa when she bought her wedding dress.莉萨买结婚礼服时和我在一起。Shortly after our arrival in London, Lisa was attacked.我们到伦敦不久,莉萨就遭遇了袭击。Lisa raved on about how awful it all was.莉萨气愤地诉说着这一切是多么地糟糕。Almost despite herself, Lisa began to actually enjoy being with him.几乎不是出于本意,莉萨开始真的喜欢和他在一起。Lisa was irritated by the slovenly attitude of her boyfriend Sean.莉萨对男朋友肖恩吊儿郎当的态度非常恼火。The other children laughed at Lisa because her clothes were old-fashioned.其他孩子嘲笑莉萨的衣服太过时了。What a strange mixture you are, Lisa.你真是一个奇怪的人,莉萨Lisa shot him a venomous glance.莉萨恶狠狠地瞪了他一眼。Lisa is a real cosmopolitan.莉萨真是见多识广。Lisa's full little lips pouted.莉萨圆润的小嘴唇嘟了起来。It was Lisa's birthday so we took her out for a meal.那天是莉萨的生日,我们就请她出去吃一顿。




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