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词汇 药剂师
例句 Pharmacists are a godsend when you don't feel sick enough to call the doctor.没有病重到非得看医生的时候,药剂师就是及时雨了。He worked awhile as a pharmacist in Cincinnati.他有一段时间在辛辛那提当药剂师The pharmacist dispenses prescriptions for antidepressants.药剂师按抗抑郁症的处方配药。Pharmacists are certified to dispense medication.药剂师有资质配药。I was given the wrong tablets when the pharmacist misread my prescription.药剂师看错了我的处方,给错了药。Doctors, not pharmacists, are responsible for dishing out drugs.负责开药的是医生,而不是药剂师My aunt is both a physician and a druggist.我的姑妈既是医生又是药剂师She married a pharmacist who comes from Bolton.她嫁给了一位来自博尔顿的药剂师A pharmacist can fill any prescription if, in his or her judgment, the prescription is valid.只要药剂师认定处方有效就可按方配药。He is trained as a pharmacist. 他接受过药剂师培训。The pharmacist prepared the prescription.药剂师按药方配了药。The pharmacist can assist you with the treatment of common ailments.药剂师能帮你治疗一般的病痛。Pharmacists are required by law to give the medicine prescribed by the doctor.法律规定药剂师必须按照医生开的处方配药。I've had all kinds of medicines from the chemist, but nothing seems to make me any better.药剂师给我配了各种各样的药,我都吃了,可病情似乎一点也没有好转。My third acquaintance here is an apothecary's assistant.我在这里的第三个熟人是个药剂师助理。Always ask the pharmacist if you need help.如需帮助,随时询问药剂师I'll get the chemist to make this prescription up for you.我要让药剂师给你开药方。You will have to take your prescription to a chemist.你得把处方拿到药剂师那里。Would you like to wait while the pharmacist makes up your prescription?请您等候药剂师配药好吗?The pharmacist refused to refill a prescription for birth control pills.药剂师拒绝为避孕药处方配药。To become a good pharmacist, one must have a good knowledge about pharmacology.要成为一个好的药剂师,就要对药理学有充分的认识。




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