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The crown court, however, upheld the magistrate's decision.然而,最高法院维持了地方法院的判决。The crown is emblematic of royalty.王冠象征皇权。Barnstaple crown court was told he caused an affray at a pub in Braunton, Devon.有人向巴恩斯特珀尔刑事法院告发他在德文郡布朗顿的一家酒馆打架滋事。The university system of Maryland is one of our State's crown jewels.大学体系是我们马里兰州最出色的方面。The U.S. Open will crown a new champion Sunday. 美国网球公开赛周日将产生新的冠军。He plans to defend his Olympic crown.他计划卫冕奥运会冠军。They drove to the crown of Zion hill and on into town.他们开车到达锡安山的山顶,然后继续进城。She laid claim to her father's crown.她根据权利要求继承父亲的王位。He owns several successful businesses but this company is the jewel in the crown. 他拥有数家成功的企业,但这家公司是最成功的。His achievement is astonishing and this book is the jewel in his crown.他的成就令人震惊,而这部书则是他的杰作。Puddings are the jewel in the crown of British cookery.布丁是在英国烹饪中的精品。She has a big bump on the crown of her head.她头顶磕了个大包。I'm having a gold crown fitted on one of my back molars.我一颗后臼齿要装金齿冠。These industries are the crown jewels of the French economy.这些产业是法国经济的珍宝。A king wears a crown; princes and nobles wear coronets.国王戴王冠,王子和贵族戴小冠冕。This latest book is the jewel in his crown.这本新书是他最成功的著作。When the crown has been made you go back and the dentist will fit it into place.人造牙冠做好后再去,牙医会把它安上。Popularity is an equivocal crown.一时走红并不等于永保冠冕。He's been heralded as the crown prince of jazz.他被看成是未来的爵士乐之王。The king was wearing a splendid golden crown.国王戴著光彩夺目的金王冠。The ring is beans compared with the crown jewels.与王冠上的宝石相比,这只戒指是不值分文的东西。England has some of the best stadiums in the world and the new-look Wembley will be the jewel in the crown.英国有许多世界上最棒的体育场,而面貌一新的温布利球场将会是其中的佼佼者。That ring is beans compared with the crown jewels.与皇冠上的宝石相比那枚戒指根本不值什么钱。He went on to crown a distinguished career in radio and television with his book 'The Price of Victory'.凭借《胜利的代价》一书,在广播和电视事业上成就杰出的他再创辉煌。Her dark hair was piled high on the crown of her head.她乌黑的头发高高地盘在头顶。A pink ribbon had been tied around the crown of the hat.帽子顶部系着一条粉色的缎带。This is a golden crown.这是个金制的皇冠。The hat has a rounded crown and a wide brim.这顶帽子是圆顶宽边的。He lost his world crown to the Korean champion.他输给了那名韩国冠军,丢掉了世界冠军的桂冠。The crown incarnates national power.王冠是国家权力的象征。He has a small bald patch on the crown of his head.他头顶上有一小块斑秃。The house is cold and damp, and to crown it all part of my bedroom ceiling has fallen in.那房子又冷又潮,而更糟糕的是,我卧室的天花板有一部分已经塌下。The lower crossed royal crown south constellation represents Victoria State.王冠下的南十字形星座代表维多利亚州。We saw the archbishop crown the queen.我们看见大主教为女王加冕。Innsbruck's crown jewel is the old town centre.因斯布鲁克最珍贵的是它的老城区。The gold crown was show-stopper of the exhibition.这只金王冠在所有的展品中特别引人注目。The king was wearing a splendid golden crown.国王戴着光彩夺目的金王冠。It was raining, the bus was late, and to crown it all, he had no coat.天下着雨,公共汽车又脱班,更糟的是他没穿外衣。The crown is encrusted with jewels.皇冠上镶嵌着宝石。When he dies, the crown will pass to his son.他去世后,王位将传给他儿子。 |