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词汇 荒诞
例句 His art is a bit too outré for most people to enjoy.他的艺术有点过于荒诞,大多数人都欣赏不了。His crazy story drew/got snickers from the police.他所说的荒诞经历让警察不禁偷笑。The children were the victims of the most grotesque atrocities.孩子们是这些荒诞至极的暴行的受害者。This romantic fantasy demands a large tolerance for whimsy from the viewer.这部浪漫主义幻想作品需要观众对荒诞的幽默具有极大的忍耐力。It's a ridiculous game of bluff and counterbluff.那是个虚张声势与反虚张声势的荒诞伎俩。Without a sensible sex education all kinds of strange and fantastic ideas will take root.没有合理的性教育,各种各样奇怪荒诞的说法都会有人相信。Women have peddled the myth that all decent men are either married or gay.女人们中间流传有这样的荒诞说法:体面的男人要么已经结婚,要么是同性恋。She has a keen sense of the absurd.她对荒诞事物有敏锐的识别能力。Many myths about pregnancy are repeated as if they were gospel.关于怀孕的许多荒诞说法被一再重复,好像它们是真理似的。The movie dishes up a wild mix of sex and violence.这部影片是色情和暴力的荒诞组合。The plot often borders on farce.情节常常近乎荒诞My adviser's criticism has removed the veil spread over the wildness of my design, and convinced me that success is impossible.我的导师的批评揭开了盖在我的设计荒诞上的遮布,使我确信成功是不可能的了。The myth persists that men are more intelligent than women.男人比女人聪明的荒诞说法仍然存在。He's always saying ridiculous things. You never know what he'll come out with next.他总讲一些荒诞的事情。你永远不知道接下来他会说什么。Stories about the ghost have entered the mythology of the town.闹鬼的故事已经成为该镇种种荒诞不实掌故的一部分。In the course of time, many of their myths become entangled.最后,他们很多荒诞的说法都变得错综复杂了。The Spanish Steps were crowded with the sellers of grotesque caricatures.西班牙阶梯上挤满了出售荒诞漫画的人。He felt swallowed in a Kafkaesque world of vague rumours.他觉得自己湮没在一个充满隐晦的流言蜚语的荒诞世界里。He made some totally bizarre comments.他的一些评论十分荒诞Some of the stories he tells verge on the absurd.他说的有些故事近乎荒诞The research demolished several myths about the disease.这项研究粉碎了有关这种疾病的某些荒诞传闻。The film starts off realistically and then develops into a ridiculous fantasy.电影以写实开头,然后却发展成为荒诞的幻想。The fallacy has been exposed in its naked absurdity.谬论的荒诞性已被揭露无遗。The myths parade as modern science.这些荒诞的说法假冒成现代科学。He has a zany sense of humor.他有一种荒诞的幽默感。It is one of the most surreal movies ever made.这是有史以来最为荒诞的电影之一。After dinner she told me a tall story about her pet.晚饭后,她给我讲了一个听上去有些荒诞的故事,是关于她的宠物的。She was brought to see the absurdity of the matter.经人指点她看清了这件事的荒诞之处。




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