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词汇 malice
例句 I bear no malice towards / toward anybody.我对谁都没有恶意。He is a man with seemingly not an ounce of malice in him.他这个人好像没有丁点儿的坏心眼。He bore me no malice.他对我没有恶意。The quietness of his tone italicized the malice of his reply.他那平静的语调突出了他回话中的恶意。I say this without malice.我说这话没有恶意。He had no malice toward anyone.他对任何人都没有敌意。There was no malice on his part.他没有恶意。There was a strong current of malice in many of his portraits.他的许多肖像画中都透着一股强烈的怨恨。I suspected that he was acting out of malice.我怀疑他这么做是不怀好意。I searched my soul for any malice that could have provoked his words, but found none.我扪心自问并无任何恶意激怒他说出这番话。There was no malice intended in what she said.她的话并无恶意。He bears you no malice. If you like, I'll just step in and take soundings.他对你不抱恶意。如果你乐意的话,我可插手去试探一下。There was a relish of malice in his speech.他言辞中带有一点儿恶意。She did it from pure malice.她做这事纯粹是恶意。I detected a suggestion of malice in his remarks.我察觉他的话中带有一点恶意。She could understand his grief but not his indiscriminate malice.她能理解他的悲痛,但是不能理解他不分青红皂白的怨恨。She claimed that her criticisms were without malice.她声称她的批评没有恶意。Murder is the killing of another person with malice aforethought.谋杀指蓄意杀人的行为。There was a strong element of malice in many of his portraits.他的许多肖像都透着很强的邪恶意图。She fired him out of sheer malice.她解雇他纯粹出于恶意。She did it out of sheer malice.她这么做纯粹是出于恶意。He has no malice towards Kevin.他对凯文没有一点儿恶意。He was just doing his job, and I bore him no malice.他只是在做他的工作,我不怨他。It was not done with malice or evil intent.这并非出于恶意或害人之心而为之。I bear no malice to you.我对你没有恶意。There certainly wasn't any malice in her comments.她的话绝对没有任何恶意。Heard told the court that he had acted out of love and not malice.赫德向法院陈述说,他的举动是出于爱,并非恶意。




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