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词汇 英国社会
例句 There is a deep undercurrent of racism in British society.英国社会中有一股深深的种族主义暗流。The satire of the English society by Swift was very severe.斯威夫特对英国社会的讽刺是非常犀利的。They propagated political doctrines which promised to tear apart the fabric of British society.他们鼓吹能颠覆英国社会结构的政治学说。This incident was a small yet telling example of the state of British society.这起事件虽小,但却很能说明英国社会的状况。The England of the last few years before World War I is gone beyond recall.第一次世界大战前最后几年中的那个英国社会是再也无法挽回了。He campaigned for the integration of immigrants into British society.他为使移民融入英国社会而积极奔走。Institutionalized racism pervaded British society, and immigrant workers found themselves in unskilled jobs and with low social status.习以为常的种族歧视在英国社会盛行,外来移民工人发觉自己都在做非技术性工作,社会地位低下。The rigid class distinctions which characterised British society are beginning to break down.作为英国社会一大特征的严格阶级差别正开始弱化。A commitment to nationalization was the banner of British socialism.致力于国有化是英国社会主义的旗号。




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