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The company's board vowed to fight to the bitter end, rather than submit to the takeover.公司董事会发誓要苦战到底,不会任由别人接管。He's been having a hard time with his research paper.他一直在为完成他的研究报告苦战。Juventus were making hard work of what should have been an easy game.尤文图斯队在本该轻易取胜的比赛中陷入苦战。The team will have their work cut out if they are to win the competition.该队要想赢得比赛将会苦战一番。They are now locked in a bitter custody battle over the three children.他们现在陷入了一场苦战,争夺三个孩子的监护权。He had a torrid time out there on the racetrack.他在跑道上经历了一场苦战。 |