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Ian Fleming's original unpublished notes are to go under the hammer at London auctioneers Sotheby's.伊恩·弗莱明未出版的原版笔记将在伦敦的苏富比拍卖行进行拍卖。Britain's two main auction houses, Sotheby's and Christies, have been involved in valuing the works.英国最大的两家拍卖行,苏富比和佳士得参与了对这些作品的估价。The trio are part of Sotheby's sale of Works of Art.该三件套是苏富比艺术品拍卖会上的一件拍品。A collection of prints and paintings by Picasso came under the hammer at Sotheby's yesterday.毕加索的一批版画和油画昨天在苏富比进行拍卖。 |