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词汇 节选
例句 The anthology includes extracts from the works of several well-known authors.这本选集包括数位著名作家的作品节选She read an excerpt from the play.她读了这部剧本的一段节选The book contains previously unpublished material, including extracts from diaries, letters and taped interviews.这本书含有以前未发表过的材料,包括日记、信件及录音访谈的节选I've read an excerpt of the book on the Web and it's whetted my appetite.我在网上读过这部书的节选,引起了我强烈的兴趣。An excerpt of the speech appeared in the Sunday paper.演讲的节选刊登在周日的报上。The book contains extracts from his diary and private letters.这本书包含了他日记和私人信件的节选He read an excerpt from his forthcoming autobiography.他读了他即将出版的自传中的一个节选The following excerpt is illustrative of her interaction with students.接下来的节选部分可以说明她与学生的互动情况。




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