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词汇 cross-examination
例句 On cross-examination, she sounded confused.盘问时她听起来有些糊涂。The cross-examination increased in intensity.盘问的强度加大了。Don't be so quizzy, David. Mr. Sinclair needs a drink, not a cross-examination.戴维,别这么寻根刨底的。辛克莱先生需要喝上一杯,而不是受盘问。While he was under cross-examination, the defendant admitted that he had lied earlier in court.在盘问之下,被告承认他之前在法庭上说了谎。Evidence is given on oath and witnesses are subject to cross-examination.证人宣誓后作证,并接受盘问。Under cross-examination, he admitted the state troopers used more destructive ammunition than usual.在反复盘问下,他承认该州警察使用了比平常更具破坏性的弹药。Under cross-examination, the psychiatrist admitted that he could not be sure of his diagnosis.经反复盘问,这位精神科医生承认,他对自己的诊断没有把握。The prisoner broke under cross-examination.在反复盘问之下囚犯终于垮了。Simpson withstood a blistering cross-examination in court this morning.辛普森今天上午在法庭上应对了尖锐的诘问。He was found to have lied twice in cross-examination.人们发现他在盘问中两度撒谎。The defendant broke down under cross-examination.被告在盘问下哭了起来。His alibi would not have withstood cross-examination.他不在犯罪现场的证据应该经不起盘问。The suspect was subjected to cross-examination at the police station.嫌犯在警察局受到盘问。




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