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词汇 良心
例句 Conscience dictates truthfulness.良心促使人吐真言。His conscience pricked him on to admit his crime to the police.他的良心驱使他向警方认罪。She felt guilty and tried to salve her conscience by inviting him out for a meal.她感到内疚,便请他吃顿饭,想让自己的良心得到宽慰。I won't do anything that goes against my conscience/beliefs/principles.我不会做任何违背我的良心/信仰/原则的事。I've never thought of myself as especially moral or conscientious.我从不认为自己特别有道德或良心In the end Martin told his wife about his affair - he just couldn't live with it on his conscience.最后马丁把自己的婚外情告诉了妻子一他在良心上受不了。He sold his soul to the devil in return for fame.他出卖良心换取虚名。I would like your advice on a matter of conscience, Father.我想就一件有关良心的事征求您的建议,神父。Ian felt a pang of conscience at having misjudged her.伊安因为错看了她而感到一阵良心上的愧疚。Now the murderer has two deaths on his conscience.杀人犯现在因杀害两条人命而受到良心的谴责。Her conscience pricked her as she told the lie.她撒谎的时候良心很不安。He felt his conscience telling him to apologize.他感觉良心一直告诉自己去道歉。He didn't want somebody's death on his conscience.他不愿某个人的死让他的良心受到谴责。He wrestled with his conscience all night long.他整晚上都在同自己的良心斗争。Kindness and understanding will often draw a boy to unburden his conscience.仁爱和理解常常会使得男孩吐露真情,以解除良心的负担。His conscience had nagged him into it.他受良心的责备才这么做。We assuaged our conscience by telling ourselves that they would be worse off without us.为了使良心好过,我们对自己说没有我们他们会更糟糕。I wish my parents would stop laying a guilt trip on me for not going to college.我希望父母不要因为我没上大学这件事老是要让我受良心的责备。His conscience was sadly benumbed.他的良心可悲地麻木了。I have only ever followed my conscience.我不过是一直凭着自己的良心行事罢了。My conscience was moved to action.我受良心驱使而采取行动。Reason and conscience are man's prerogatives.理智与良心是人类独有的。I suppose I did have a guilty conscience for a while, but not any more.我有一阵子确实良心上感到不安,但是现在都过去了。Guilt lies on his conscience. 内疚困扰着他的良心She had a quaver of conscience as she took it.她拿下它时良心上有些不安。Each person must vote according to his or her own conscience.每个人都应当按照自己的良心投票。He asked how many of us thought we would be conscientious objectors if a war came.他问我们,如果战争来临,我们中有多少人认为自己会出于良心拒服兵役。He gives them a little money to salve his conscience.他给了他们一些钱以宽慰自己的良心My conscience dictates that I resign.良心驱使我辞职。She wrestled with her conscience.她和自己的良心进行斗争。Even if you didn't get caught, the murder would be on your conscience for the rest of your life.即使你不被抓住,这件凶杀案也会让你的良心一辈子不安。Her conscience was bothering her a little.她的良心使她有点儿不安。She decided to clear her conscience and confess everything.她决定消除良心上的不安,把一切都坦白出来。How could he have done such harm to her! He's got no conscience at all.他怎么能这样伤害她!他真是一点良心也没有。He couldn't do such a thing in all conscience.良心上来讲,他不能做这种事。He salves his conscience by giving money to charity.他通过向慈善机构捐款来使自己良心得到宽慰。Clearing one's conscience is medicinal for the soul.净化良心,灵魂得益。He felt the twangs of conscience.他感到良心的谴责。His misdeeds bore heavily upon his conscience.他所犯的罪行使他的良心受尽折磨。There's nothing whatever which need bother your conscience.决没什么让你良心上过不去的。




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