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词汇 舞者
例句 He's ever such a good dancer.他是个非常出色的舞者The dancers leap in seeming defiance of the laws of gravity.那些舞者轻盈地跳跃,似乎万有引力定律完全不起作用。That young dancer really stole the show tonight.那年轻的舞者今晚大出风头。The dancer brought his hands up to his face.舞者把双手举到脸前。She is a dancer of genius.她是个有天赋的舞者Some dancers become their own worst enemies, criticizing themselves for every imperfection.一些舞者总是因每一处不完美而责备自己,成了他们自己最大的敌人。Ribbons were wrapped around the dancers' arms.舞者们的胳臂上系了丝带。She had to demonstrate excellence as a dancer, singer, and comedienne.她不得不证明自己是一个卓越的舞者、歌手和喜剧表演家。Dancers need to coordinate their moves.舞者需要协调他们的舞步。The stage was cluttered with lamps and electrical leads, which the dancers neatly sidestepped.舞台上到处都是灯和电线,舞者们都灵巧地避开了。Dancers' thighs are very developed.舞者的大腿非常健壮。He gestures, gesticulates, and moves with the grace of a dancer.他举手投足之间流露出舞者的优雅。As the dancers whirled around, their skirts billowed out.随着舞者旋转起舞,她们的裙子鼓了起来。African dance is vigorous, but full of subtlety, requiring great strength and control.非洲舞蹈充满活力,但不乏精妙之处,需要舞者有很强的力量和控制能力。Our daughter is a great dancer, she stands out above the rest.我们的女儿是一个不错的舞者,她从许多舞者中脱颖而出。The dancers moved round the floor, following some indeterminate pattern.舞者们在舞池中移动着,步子有点看不出章法。She's a very good flamenco dancer.她是一名非常优秀的弗拉门柯舞舞者Twelve dancers pirouetted across the stage.十二位舞者从舞台的一边单脚尖旋转到另一边。Couples were swaying to the rhythm of the music.一对对舞者随着音乐的节奏摆动身子。I'm too uncoordinated to be a good dancer.我的肢体太不协调,成不了优秀的舞者The dancers perform a sequence of wonderfully synchronous movements.舞者们的一段表演整齐划一,十分奇妙。The dancers moved suggestively.舞者挑逗地扭动肢体。The dancers were masked.这些舞者戴了面具。The dancers were dressed in their national costumes. 舞者们身穿各自的民族服装。When I met Derek he was ever such a good dancer.我认识德里克时,他是个非常出色的舞者Only a few of the dancers are practiced in traditional ballet.只有少数舞者能跳好传统芭蕾。My aunt is a dancer at our carnival.我姑姑是我们嘉年华的一个舞者It is most amazing to see eight dancers move in synchrony.八位舞者同步动作让人赞叹。The dancer performed with great élan.舞者的表演十分热情奔放。They allowed the piece to evolve organically in collaboration with the dancers.他们任由乐曲随着舞者的动作自然展开。My sister can spin on her toes like a dancer.我妹妹能像舞者一样踮著脚尖旋转。One of the dancers was out of step.其中一位舞者的舞步不合拍。The acrobatic skill of the dancers took my breath away.舞者们的特技令我惊叹。She was out of sync with the other dancers.她与其他舞者步调不一致。The dancers moved gracefully to the music.舞者随着音乐优雅起舞。The dancers expressed great depth of feeling/emotion.舞者表达了强烈的情感。The dancers gyrated wildly to the beat of the music.舞者随着音乐的节奏疯狂地旋转起舞。The dancers were wearing elaborate costumes.舞者全都身着精心挑选的服装。The rise and fall of the dancers' bodies create a pattern.舞者身体的起伏构成了一幅图案。I was determined to be a professional dancer, and practised for hours every day.我决意要成为职业舞者,每天练习很多个小时。




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