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There is still no vaccine against this potential killer.还没有针对这一潜在致命疾病的疫苗。Cancer and heart disease are the UK's biggest killers.癌症和心脏病是英国头号致命疾病。When someone you love has a life-threatening illness, everything else pales in comparison.你爱的人得了致命疾病时,其他一切事情都显得不那么重要了。Diphtheria is still a killer in many developing countries.在许多发展中国家,白喉仍是一种致命疾病。Many illnesses which once killed are today curable.过去的许多致命疾病如今都可以治愈。In those days measles was a major killer.那时候麻疹是主要的致命疾病。Chickenpox is no longer a killer.水痘不再是致命疾病。 |