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词汇 致命
例句 The boxer delivered a crushing blow to his opponent's head.拳击手向对手头部打出致命一击。The two together are particularly deadly.二者相加尤为致命The scorpion has a sting that can be deadly.蝎子的螫针可以致命The water had been tainted with a deadly toxin.水被致命毒素污染。The scheme was fatally flawed.这个方案有致命缺陷。Telling your employees they're unimportant is a fatal error.说员工微不足道是个致命错误。This killer storm is strengthening rapidly in the Gulf of Mexico.致命风暴正在墨西哥湾迅速加强。The scandal seemed to have struck a mortal blow to the government's chances of re-election.这一丑闻似乎给了政府连任的希望致命一击。In the First World War pneumonia was as deadly as bullets and shells.第一次世界大战时,肺炎跟枪炮一样致命The terrorists parked the van with its deadly cargo in a dark alleyway.恐怖分子把装有致命货物的货车停在了一条黑暗的胡同里。The scheme later demonstrated a fatal flaw.这一方案不久暴露出了一个致命缺陷。The number of fatal accidents in the construction industry has dropped dramatically in recent years.近年来建筑行业致命事故的数量大幅下降。He had gone into the shadows; it would be suicidal to try to find him.他走进了阴暗处,去找他会有致命危险。The Prime Minister's opponents believe that her authority has been fatally weakened.首相的反对者认为她的权威已经受到致命削弱。Passive smoking can be deadly too.被动吸烟也可能会致命In a large proportion of fatal accidents it is found that one driver is over the limit.在大部分的致命交通事故中,发现都有一个司机酒后驾车。The lion was moving in for the kill. 那头狮子正在靠近猎物,准备发动致命攻击。The infection is usually non-fatal if the patient gets treatment right away.如果能立刻得到治疗,这种感染不会致命A sudden shock could be fatal to anyone with a weak heart.对任何心脏功能弱的人来说,突然受惊吓可能会致命Four members of the family had been poisoned, but not fatally.这家中有四口人被人投毒,但未致命He made the fatal mistake of compromising early.他犯了过早妥协的致命错误。They were waiting for a death blow that never came.他们等待着那致命一击,但那一击却没有发生。The substance is so toxic that even a minute dose of it could be fatal.这种物质毒性很强,即使是极少的剂量也会致命Some drugs which are safe when taken separately are lethal in combination.某些药品在分开服用时是安全的,但在混合服用时则会致命There was some fatal flaw in his make-up, and as time went on he began drinking more heavily.他的性格里有某种致命缺陷,随着时间的推移,他喝酒喝得更凶了。A fine would be the final nail in the coffin of the airline.罚款会是对这家航空公司的最后致命一击。It was a potentially lethal mixture of drugs.这种混合药物可能会致命Men have twice as many fatal accidents as women do for every mile they drive.以每英里的车程计算,男人发生致命车祸的数量是女人的两倍。That man fired the fatal head shot.那人打出了致命一枪,射中了头部。The drug is lethal even in small doses.这种药物即使剂量很小也会致命He made the fatal mistake of lending her some money.他犯下了借钱给她的致命错误。The markets have exposed the fatal flaw in the government's economic policy.市场已经暴露出政府经济政策中存在的致命漏洞。Children and guns are a potentially lethal cocktail.让儿童接触枪支可能会有致命危险。The epidemic was caused by a deadly germ.这一流行病是由一种致命细菌引起的。Medical authorities were baffled, both as to its causes and its virulence.医疗当局对其病因及有多致命都还不甚了解。At worst, the drug can be fatal.在最坏的情况下,这种毒品可以致命It is here that most students fall into a subtle and deadly trap.大多数学生就是在这里掉进了不易察觉的致命陷阱。In rare instances, the disease can be lethal. 在极少数情况下,这种疾病能够致命The scandal revealed/exposed a chink in his seemingly perfect armor.这一丑闻把他看似完美的保护壳下的致命缺陷暴露出来了。It was here that Holmes had his fateful encounter with Professor Moriarty.正是在这里福尔摩斯与莫里亚蒂教授致命邂逅。




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