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例句 Rather than being criticized for her honesty, she should be applauded for it.她的诚实不但不该受到批评,反而应该得到表扬。The report has been criticized as inaccurate and incomplete.这份报告被批评为既不准确又不完整。The law was widely criticized as racist.那条法律被认为有种族主义问题,广受批评。His ironfisted rule has often been criticized by the peoples.他的铁腕统治饱受人们批评。The governor has been criticized for cavorting with celebrities.州长因为与名流寻欢作乐受到批评。The coach was criticized for his negative tactics.教练由于战术消极而受到了批评。The police have been criticized for their lack of preparedness. 警方因准备不足而遭到批评。This idea is criticized by some as a Band-Aid solution.有些人批评这个办法只是权宜之计,并不能真正解决问题。The government has been criticized for its warlike attitude/statements.政府因其挑衅的态度/声明遭到了批评。The film was criticized for its gratuitous violence.这部电影因其无端的暴力场景而受到指责。Their coverage of the riot was criticized for ignoring its causes.他们对那场骚乱的报道因忽略了其起因而受到了批评。The intelligence community was criticized for misreading Iraq's intentions.情报机构被指责误解了伊拉克的意图。The family has criticized the military's handling of Robert's death.罗伯特的家人批评军方对罗伯特死亡的事情处理失当。The dissatisfied stockholders criticized the company's management.不满的股东们批评了公司的管理层。He was criticized for taking a belt to his children. 他因用皮带抽打孩子而受到指责。Farmers have criticized the government's agricultural policy.农场主们批评了政府的农业政策。The City was criticized for being too exclusive.伦敦被指过于排外。The government's management of the economy has been severely criticized.政府的经济管理政策受到了严厉的批评。He was criticized, but she escaped without blemish.他受到了指责,而她却名声未损,得以逃脱。He's been criticized for his smarmy behavior when interviewing celebrities.他遭到批评说他在采访名流时媚态十足。They criticized him for the incoherence of his writing.他们批评他的作品条理不清。He criticized the scheme on ideological grounds.他从思想意识的立场批评了该方案。The station was criticized for its slanted reporting of news events.电台因带有倾向性地报道新闻而受到批评。I get criticized for the portrayal of women in that movie.我在那部电影里对女性形象的刻画受到了批评。When children are criticized, mothers often see it as a reflection on themselves.孩子受到批评时,做母亲的常常会觉得那是自己不对。She criticized politicians' standards of personal morality.她批评了政客们的个人道德标准。She was criticized so much by her employers that she began to feel worthless.她多次挨老板们的批评,因而开始觉得自己一无是处。He criticized the school for trying to subdue individual expression.他指责学校试图压制个性的自由表现。He was criticized for his lack of leadership.他因领导不力而受到批评。A newspaper criticized the president's proposal, saying that it was partial to Israel.一家报纸批评总统的提议,称该提议偏袒以色列。He criticized the selfish attitude of certain sectional interests.他批评了某些利益团体自私自利的态度。She criticized my writing quite severely and that hurt.她很严厉地批评了我写的东西,让我很伤心。The Prime Minister has been criticized by hardliners in his party for giving away too much in the treaty.总理受到党内强硬派的批评,说他在条约中作出了太多的让步。However much people have criticized her policies, no one will gainsay her courage.无论人们如何批评她的政策,没人可以否认她的勇气。He was criticized for his lack of enterprise in dealing with the crisis.在处理危机的过程中,他由于缺乏进取心而受到了批评。She was criticized for using arguments that obfuscated the main issue.她被批评故意使用混淆主要问题的论点。The full force of the law was brought to bear on anyone who criticized the government.凡是批评政府的,都要用法律加以严惩。The report was criticized for its lack of detail.这份报告因缺少细节而受到批评。The police have been sharply criticized for their handling of the situation.警方在这件事的处理上受到了尖锐的批评。The regime has been harshly criticized for serious human rights violations.该政府因为严重侵犯人权而受到强烈指责。




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