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词汇 criticism
例句 The criticism seems to rest on a misunderstanding.这个批评似乎是基于一种误解。The star faced a barrage of criticism for his actions.那个明星的行为引来接二连三的批评。Their report was the target of criticism by inter alios Smith and Franklin.他们的报告尤其受到史密斯和富兰克林的严厉批评。He's always been very prickly about criticism.对批评他总是容易动气。They voiced their criticism in coded statements.他们用婉转的话语表达了批评。He was shattered and bewildered by this trenchant criticism.他因这番尖锐的批评而万念俱灰,茫然不知所措。Ironically, the latest clampdown has just led to renewed international criticism.讽刺的是,最近的制裁结果只导致了新一轮国际社会的批评。He responds receptively to criticism.他虚心接受批评。When it comes to giving criticism, sometimes it's best to take a subtle approach.需要提出批评时,有时最好采用委婉的方式。She had been stung by criticism.批评使她感到很气愤。Many of the teachers found the school board's criticism unfair and demoralizing.许多教师觉得校董会的批评不公平,使人泄气。There is only so much negative criticism a person can take. 一个人所能忍受的负面评判是有限的。This policy had repeatedly come under strong criticism on Capitol Hill.该政策在美国国会屡遭强烈批评。The decision provoked a storm of criticism.这一决定引起了强烈的批评。He accepted the criticism equably. 他平静地接受了批评。His criticism angered her, but rather than start a fight, she let it pass.他的抨击令她恼火,但她没有和他开战,而是置之不理。A lot of the criticism has been directed toward the concert's organizers.许多批评把矛头指向了音乐会的组织者。The proposal has drawn violent criticism from many political commentators.这项提议遭到了众多政治评论员的强烈谴责。Her work is open to the criticism that it is ethnocentric.她的作品可能会被指责带有种族中心主义色彩。Their support gives fuel to the criticism that the government is moving to the right.他们的支持为指责政府右倾的言论提供了根据。We came in for some sharp criticism over this decision.由于这一决定,我们受到了尖锐的批评。The newspaper, La Prensa, was shut down for nearly two years because of its criticism of government policies.《新闻报》这份报纸因为批评政府的政策被关闭了将近两年。He ran into criticism after remarks he made in a television interview.他因为在一个电视访谈节目里说的话受到了批评。With time, they said, criticism will fade away.他们说,随着时间推移,批评将会停止。The decision created a shock wave of criticism.这项决定招来了众多批评。The teacher's criticism of the class was impersonal.教师对班级的批评并非针对哪一个同学的。You are going to have to take a certain amount of criticism, but you must cope with it.你肯定会遭到一些批评,但你必须去面对。The main criticism about the information provided is that it arrives too late.对所提供信息的主要批评意见是这些信息来得太晚。The new law attracted/drew widespread criticism. 这项新法律受到了广泛的批评。He's very keen to dish out criticism.他非常热衷于发表批评意见。Nobody is immune from criticism.谁都难免受批评。The plans have already come in for fierce criticism.这些计划已经遭到了严厉批评。Mr Gorbachev's attempt to restructure the Soviet economy met with criticism from traditional communists.他重建经济体系的努力遭到了批评。She appeared unworried by criticism.她看上去对批评毫不担心。He's very free with his criticism!他太爱妄加指责了!Admittedly, I could have tried harder but I still don't think all this criticism is fair.不可否认,我本来可以再努力些。尽管如此,我认为这些批评也并非完全公正。Her proposal has been the target of much criticism.她的提议一直是众矢之的。His discriminatory remarks on gender equality drew a crescendo of criticism from the press.他的反对性别平等的言论引来媒体越来越多的评论。The harsh criticism left him utterly deflated.严厉的批评使他彻底地灰心丧气了。The ambassador's offensive remarks provoked widespread criticism.大使冒犯的言论招来了广泛的批评。




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