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I've got nothing against vegetarians, but some of them are so self-righteous!我对素食的人并不反感,只是有些人太自命清高!She sniffed, with a mixture of self-righteousness and self-pity.她嗤了一下鼻子,一副自命清高又带着点自怜的样子。The Principal reacted to the school party with an air of sanctimonious disapproval.校长对学校聚会表示不悦,显出一种自命清高的样子。He was a goody-goody. He never put a foot wrong.他是个自命清高的人。他从不做错事。I know he doesn't smoke or drink but I wish he wasn't so holier-than-thou.我知道他既不抽烟也不喝酒,但我希望他别那么自命清高。He has always sounded holier-than-thou.他说话总是显得自命清高。 |