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词汇 到齐
例句 As everybody's here, let's begin.大家都到齐了,我们就开始吧。She made a grand entrance once all the guests were assembled.客人到齐之后,她隆重出场。All the musicians have finally arrived, so we're in business!所有乐师终于都到齐了,我们可以开始了!It was very sporting of them to wait until the rest of our team had arrived.他们很有体育精神,一直等到我们的球队全部到齐Everybody is here. We're ready to roll.大家都到齐了,我们准备好了。Cut the stems to ground level in winter.冬天的时候把茎剪到齐地面高。The students are all present and accounted for.学生都到齐了。We'll get started soon, but first we have to make sure everyone is here.马上要出发了,但我们得先确定人都到齐了。




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