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词汇 膨胀
例句 Einstein's equations showed the Universe to be expanding.爱因斯坦的方程式表明宇宙正在膨胀If the population continues to expand, Ehrlich argues, mass starvation and ecological disaster will be the inevitable consequence.埃利希论证说,如果人口继续膨胀,必然的结果是大规模饥荒和生态灾难。Engineers noticed that the pipes were not expanding as expected.工程师们发现管道并没有如预期的那样膨胀The economy is in a long-term expansionary trend.经济处于一种长期膨胀的趋势。The liquid expands and contracts with changes in temperature.液体随着温度的变化而膨胀或收缩。Einstein's equations show the universe to be expanding.爱因斯坦的方程式表明宇宙正在膨胀When the biscuits puff up and turn brown they are ready.膨胀并变成褐色的时候就做好了。From the size of a grain of sand in their natural state, they will distend to the size of a hazel nut.它们从自然状态的一粒沙子大小膨胀为榛子般大小。In order for our bubble economy to continue expanding, Americans must continue spending.为了让我们的泡沫经济继续膨胀,美国人必须继续消费。Soon the simple sequence of swellings of our early neural tube is followed by more complex events.在早期的神经管发生一系列膨胀的简单变化之后,随之而来的是更为复杂的活动。The air in the balloon expands when heated.气球里的空气加热后膨胀The business of counterfeiting appears to be expanding.假冒伪造业似乎正日益膨胀The true expansion of a liquid takes into account the expansion of the container.液体的真膨胀是把容器的膨胀考虑在内的。The water froze inside the pipe, causing it to expand and burst.管道里的水结成了冰,导致管身膨胀爆裂。The human population in the region is expanding in inverse proportion to the wildlife.这个地区的人口在膨胀,而野生生物的数量却在减少。The government would inflate the economy and then put on price controls.政府将先让经济膨胀,然后再实施物价管制。Don's life jacket had failed to inflate.唐的救生衣没能充气膨胀The colon, or large intestine, distends and fills with gas.结肠,或大肠,因充满气体而膨胀The universe is still expanding.宇宙还在膨胀Wood has a tendency to swell if it gets wet.木材有受潮膨胀的特性。The pleura protects your lungs and helps them slide back and forth as they expand and contract during breathing.胸膜保护你的肺,并让其可以在呼吸时因膨胀收缩而前后移动。Don's lifejacket had failed to inflate.唐的救生衣未能充气膨胀The human population swelled, at least temporarily, as migrants moved south.随着移民南迁,人口出现了至少是暂时性的膨胀Airbags inflate instantaneously on impact.安全气囊遇到撞击就会立即膨胀The human population swelled, at least temporarily, as migrants moved south.随着移居者南移,人口出现膨胀,至少是暂时性膨胀




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