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词汇 腰身
例句 His girth is twice as large as mine.他的腰身是我的两倍大。He wore a belted raincoat that accentuated his portly middle.他穿着一件系腰带的雨衣,使他发福的腰身更加显眼。Women had to corset themselves cruelly to achieve those tiny waists.以前女人们得毫不留情给自己穿上紧身褡,好束出诸如此般不盈一握的腰身She had made Helen a dress which showed off her tiny waist.她给海伦做了件很显她纤细腰身的连衣裙。Her dress was tightly belted, accentuating the slimness of her waist.她的裙子衣带系得很紧,凸显出苗条的腰身An elastic waist makes these jeans ideal for the larger woman.带松紧的腰身使这种牛仔裤很适合较丰满的女性。It took me hours to make all these tucks round the waist.我花了好几个小时才把腰身处的这些衣褶缝好。




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