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Cockburn's arrival coincided with that of Sir Iain and Lady Noble.科伯恩到时正好伊恩爵士和诺布尔夫人也来了。Cockburn engaged in a flight of fancy, never once allowing facts to get in the way.科伯恩一直在想入非非,从不曾考虑现实状况。As a consultant to NASA, Cockburn had access to confidential details of the US space program.科伯恩作为美国国家航空航天局的顾问,可以接触到美国宇航计划的机密细节。Cockburn decided it was time to beat a hasty retreat.科伯恩认为到了该紧急撤退的时候了。At his most forceful, Cockburn can be a very persuasive speaker.在最能言善辩时,科伯恩可以是一个非常有说服力的演讲者。 |