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词汇 脱下
例句 She pulled off her shoes and stockings and wriggled her toes.脱下鞋袜,活动活动脚趾头。Dress your child in layers of clothes you can remove easily.给你的孩子穿几层容易脱下的衣服。He took hold of the shoe on the dead woman's foot. It resisted and came off with difficulty.他抓着女尸脚上的鞋子,可那鞋死紧死紧的,好不容易才被脱下I tore my sweaty clothes off and jumped into the shower.我匆匆脱下汗津津的衣服,跳进淋浴间。Ignoring my protests, he took off his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders.他不顾我反对,脱下夹克裹在我肩上。He tore off his jacket and hurled it into a doorway.他胡乱地脱下夹克,扔到了门口。He took off his jacket and loosened his tie.脱下夹克,松了松领带。They whipped off their shirts and dived into the pool.他们飞快地脱下衬衣,跳入水池里。She pulled off her boots.脱下了靴子。He dropped his trousers in a rude gesture.他粗野地脱下了裤子。Carter took off his jacket and loosened his tie.卡特脱下外套,松开领带。They doffed their coats when they came inside.他们进屋后脱下了大衣。They got a full eyeful as the actors whipped off their kit.演员们脱下行头的时候,他们大饱眼福。We took off our riding gear.我们脱下了骑装。She straightened up as Melissa approached, pulling off her gardening gloves.看到梅利莎走过来,她站直身子,脱下了园艺手套。He took off his ring to hide the fact that he was married.脱下戒指,隐瞒他已经结婚的事实。She took her coat off and hung it up.脱下外套挂起来。He took off his raincoat and settled by the fire.脱下雨衣,然后在炉火旁坐下。Take your coat off.脱下你的外套。The mechanic took off his greasy overalls.机修工脱下他的油污的工作服。He took off his raincoat and took out the key.脱下雨衣,拿出钥匙。He struggled out of his bulky jacket and threw it on to the back seat.他费劲脱下他那件笨重的夹克,随手把它扔在后座上。She took off her jacket and hung it on a hanger.脱下夹克挂在衣架上。I slipped off my woollen gloves.我迅速地脱下了毛绒手套。When the handcuffs came off, he rubbed his wrists to restore circulation.手铐脱下后,他搓搓手腕活活血。He takes off his shirt and the crowd goes wild.脱下衬衣,人群疯狂起来。I took off my poncho, shook it out, and hung it on a peg by the door.脱下了披风,抖落干净,然后挂在门上的挂衣钉上。Sabrina has discarded her habitual boilersuit and is arrayed in black mini and tights.萨布丽娜脱下平日穿的工作服,换上了黑色的超短裙和连裤袜。I helped her off with her coat.我帮她脱下外套。Pedro divested himself of his overcoat.佩德罗脱下大衣。She slipped out of the jacket and tossed it on the couch.她麻利地脱下夹克,扔在了沙发上。He pulled off his overcoat and began to work.脱下大衣,开始工作。The judge disrobed after the trial.审判结束后法官脱下黑袍。The peasants doff their hats.农民脱下了他们的帽子。He unzipped his jacket and flung it on a chair.脱下夹克,把它扔到椅子上。I took off my shoes and socks and splashed into the fountain with the other children.脱下鞋和袜子,和其他孩子一起在喷泉里戏水。I went to my room and shucked out of my soaked clothes.我走进房间把湿衣服脱下The diver climbed out of his heavy suit.潜水员费力地脱下笨重的潜水服。She looks forward to getting out of her business suit and into comfortable clothes at the end of the day.每天快下班时她都盼望能脱下职业装,换上舒适的衣服。He took his coat off and joined in the work.脱下大衣,加入到工作中。




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