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Let's stay calm and try to behave like responsible adults.让我们冷静下来,行事尽量拿出成年人应有的明辨是非的能力。She doesn't understand the difference between right and wrong.她不能明辨是非。We must make allowances for her. She's never been taught what is right.我们应当原谅她,她从未受过明辨是非的教育。At least he knew right from wrong.至少他明辨是非。Parents need to teach their children the difference between right and wrong.父母要教育子女学会明辨是非。It is certainly important to distinguish between right and wrong.明辨是非当然要紧。We must teach our children how to tell right from wrong.我们应该教会孩子如何明辨是非。 |