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词汇 脖子
例句 They tied a noose around her neck.他们把绞索系在她脖子上。She pulled her hair into a knot at the back of her neck.她把头发在脖子后面梳成一个圆髻。He wore a chain of office around his neck.脖子上挂着一条标志公职的项链。She buttoned her cardigan up all the way to her neck.她把羊毛衫一直扣到脖子He would have liked to put his hands around her throat and throttle her.他当时真想用双手掐住她的脖子把她掐死。She was up on her tiptoes, with her arm about his neck.她踮着脚尖,手臂钩着他的脖子The giraffe has a very long neck.长颈鹿有一条很长的脖子Wear a hat so you don't burn your neck.戴上帽子,这样你才不会把脖子晒伤。She wore a scarf round her neck.脖子上围着一条围巾。She flung her arms around his neck.她猛地搂住他的脖子She felt a tingling sensation creep across the back of her neck.她感到后脖子一阵刺痛。She flung her arms around my neck and kissed me.她突然张开手臂搂住我的脖子,然后吻了我一下。Since her motorbike accident, she can't feel anything below the neck.出了摩托车事故以后,她脖子以下没有任何知觉。The excess pounds had given him a double chin and a neck that made his shirt collar look too tight.过重的体重使他有个双下巴,脖子也粗得使衬衫领子看起来很紧。His collar chafed against his sweaty neck.领子摩擦着他汗津津的脖子He kneaded the muscles in my neck.他给我按摩脖子She closed her eyes and folded her arms around his neck.她闭上眼睛,用双臂搂住了他的脖子Mayors wear chains around their necks as badges of office.市长们脖子上戴着象征职位的链徽。He makes me so mad! I could wring his neck!他让我气极了!我恨不得把他的脖子扭断!A wasp stung him on the neck.一只黄蜂蜇了他的脖子The starched collar scratched my neck.浆过的硬领把我脖子擦红了。She wore a long gold chain around her neck.脖子上戴着一条长长的金项链。He scrabbled at his face, and throat, and stomach.他摩挲着自己的脸、脖子和肚子。He had the thickest neck I'd ever seen.我从没见过他那么粗的脖子She hunched over the desk, telephone cradled at her neck.她弓着身子趴在桌上,脖子上夹着电话听筒。Two robbers broke into her home, held a knife to her throat and stole her savings.两个盗贼闯进了她的家,把刀架在她的脖子上,抢走了她的积蓄。I'll wring your neck if you don't behave.你如果不规矩点,我就拧断你的脖子Muriel's hand crept to her neck to hold her pearls.缪丽尔的手慢慢伸向脖子,握住自己的珍珠项链。The swelling spread to her neck and chest. Then it began to ossify.肿胀蔓延到了她的脖子和胸部,然后开始骨化。I ricked my back/neck.我扭伤了我的背/脖子The tight collar pinched his neck.很紧的衣领勒痛了他的脖子Emma wore a fringed scarf round her neck.埃玛脖子上围了一条流苏边的围巾。The veins stood out on her throat and temples.她的脖子和太阳穴处青筋暴起。He got me around/by the neck and wouldn't let go.他抓住我的脖子不放手。He broke his neck in the accident.他在事故中摔断了脖子She fingered the pearls at her throat.她用手指拨弄脖子上的珍珠。The woman was found dead with a rope around her neck.有人发现那个女人死了,脖子上缠着一根绳子。Rasula wore a garland of flowers about her neck.莱舒勒的脖子上戴了个花环。She unwound her arms from his neck.她把绕在他脖子上的双臂松开。The cook began scratching the rash on his neck.厨工开始搔脖子上的皮疹。




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