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词汇 lips
例句 Her lips were blue from the cold.她的嘴唇冻得发紫了。A cry of anguish burst from her lips.她突然痛苦地大叫了一声。She put on eye shadow and painted her lips with red lipstick.她抹上眼影,涂上红色口红。Her hand shook as she lifted the glass to her lips.她的手颤抖着把杯子送到唇边。She compressed her lips and kept silent.她紧闭嘴唇,一声不吭。A ghastly smile passed across his lips.他的唇边掠过惨淡的微笑。She gave him a smacker right on the lips.她给了他的嘴唇一个响吻。My lips and mouth keep drying out.我老是唇干口燥。Her lips were close to his head and her breath tickled his ear.她的嘴唇贴近他的头,她的呼吸让他耳朵发痒。The words stopped at his lips unsounded.他话到嘴边止住了。Spittle flecked the old woman's lips.那个老太婆的嘴唇上有唾沫星子。Her lips were quivering and would not form words.她的嘴唇颤动着,讲不出话来Read my lips: you are not going to an all-night party.郑重告诉你,你不能去参加通宵晚会。His face was unmoved, but on his lips there was a trace of displeasure.他脸上没有丝毫表情,但嘴角流露出一丝不悦。Scottish rugby fans are licking their lips in anticipation.苏格兰的橄榄球迷正在热切期盼着。There was a faint smile on her lips.她的嘴角挂着一丝微笑。You have to round your lips to blow into the flute.你得把嘴唇撮圆才可以吹这支笛子。He smacked Margaret on the lips.他响亮地在玛格丽特的嘴唇上亲了一口。His lips curled contemptuously.他轻蔑地撇了撇嘴。We swallowed the chocolates in one gulp, licking our lips.我们一口吞下了巧克力,满意地咂着嘴。Her lips softly pressed my cheek.她的双唇柔和地贴在我脸颊上。His lips were spread in a sly smile.他心照不宣地咧嘴一笑。The lips of the wise disperse knowledge.智者之口传播知识。He raised the cup to his lips and drank.他把杯子举到嘴边喝了起来。Grossman raised the glass to his lips.格罗斯曼把杯子举到唇边。She read his lips across the busy conference hall - "Time to go."她在热闹的会议厅的另一端从他说话的口型判断他在说“该走了”。Ralph felt his lips twitch.拉尔夫感到嘴唇抽搐。A narrow smile thinned his lips.一道浅浅的笑容使他的嘴唇看上去更薄了。She pursed her lips to show her dislike.她噘著嘴表示不高兴。She had a smile on her lips. 她嘴角挂着笑容。Someone planted a beery kiss on her lips.某个满嘴啤酒味儿的人在她嘴唇上亲了一下。He kissed her full on the lips in a way that revolted her.他堵着她的嘴唇吻她,让她很恶心。He leaned over and his lips brushed against her hair.他弯下身,嘴唇擦过她的头发。Penny's lips curved in a superior smirk as he rushed from the room.在他冲出房间的时候,彭妮翘起嘴角傲慢地笑了。The question now on everyone's lips is "Will he resign?"目前大家议论纷纷的话题是:他会辞职吗?Her look froze the words on my lips.她的神色使我欲言又止。He polished off his wine with an appreciative smack of his lips.他喝完了葡萄酒,意犹未尽地咂了咂嘴。With a lip pencil, outline lips and fill them in.用唇线笔勾出双唇的轮廓,然后涂上唇膏。He held the cup up to his lips and slowly sipped the tea.他把杯子端到唇边,慢慢地品茶。His lips were parted in a half smile.他张开嘴微微一笑。




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