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Because of the extreme cold, the Antarctic is a uniquely fragile environment.极度严寒造成了南极地区绝无仅有的脆弱环境。She's really squeamish and can't stand the sight of blood.她神经很脆弱,见不得血。A fragile ceasefire is now in place.脆弱的停火协议现在可以开始生效了。The link between her family and the King's is rather tenuous.她家和金氏家族的关系很脆弱。He has a tender ego.他有着脆弱敏感的自尊。He took advantage of me when I was at my most vulnerable.他在我最脆弱的时候利用了我。We do not want to offend their susceptibilities. 我们不想触及他们脆弱的感情。The fragile economies of several southern African nations could be irreparably damaged.一些南非国家的脆弱经济可能会被彻底破坏,无法挽回。Another by-product of space exploration is a growing awareness of this planet's fragile environment.太空探险的另一个意外收获,是人们对地球的脆弱环境意识越来越强。Is the human heart weak in comparison with the other organs?.与其他器官相比,人的心脏是不是很脆弱?The cultural and historical links between the many provinces were seen to be very tenuous.许多省份之间的文化和历史纽带被认为是很脆弱的。It will take deft diplomacy to sustain the fragile momentum.需要灵活的外交技巧才能维持这种脆弱的势头。It can be very hard to think rationally when you're feeling so vulnerable and alone.人在脆弱和孤独的时候很难理智地思考。It is strong only in appearance but brittle inside.它仅仅貌似强大,实则脆弱。If you are attacked, go for your attacker's eyes as they are the most vulnerable part of the face.如果你遭到袭击,就对准袭击者的眼部打去,眼睛是脸上最脆弱的部位。The countries formed a brittle alliance.这些国家形成了脆弱的同盟。But these were difficult times and a lesser man would have buckled under the strain.但当时是困难时期,脆弱的人肯定会被压力压垮。Temperature changes could upset the delicate balance of life in the forest.气温变化可能会打乱森林脆弱的生态平衡。It was sad to see the once-great man looking so frail.看到曾经那么伟大的人物如此脆弱,真让人心里难受。The government must help the most vulnerable groups in our society.政府必须帮助我们社会中最脆弱的群体。Pollution can have disastrous effects on the delicately balanced ecosystem.污染会对脆弱的生态平衡造成灾难性的破坏。In 1949-50 China was a weak, vulnerable country, devastated by war.该国是个脆弱无力的国家,饱受战争的摧残。The economy remains fragile.经济仍然很脆弱。The fragile peace was hanging by a thread as thousands of hardliners took to the streets.成千上万的强硬派分子走上街头示威,脆弱的和平局势危在旦夕。The most vulnerable are also those least able to strike back.最脆弱的人也是最不善于反击的人。This may help to undermine the brittle truce that currently exists.这也许会火上浇油,破坏当前脆弱不稳的休战局面。The fragile economies of several southern African nations could be irreparably damaged.几个非洲南部国家的脆弱经济可能遭受彻底破坏,无法恢复。It was part of her job to boost fragile egos.她的部分工作就是给脆弱的自我打气。When carrying out the operation, doctors have to take great care not to damage the delicate nerve endings.医生在进行手术时,必须非常小心,免得破坏脆弱的神经末梢。Large dams have harmed Siberia's delicate ecological balance.大型水坝对西伯利亚脆弱的生态平衡造成了破坏。The fragile peace was hanging by a thread as thousands of hardliners took to the streets.数千强硬派分子走上街头,脆弱的和平变得岌岌可危。The bay has a very complex and delicate ecosystem.这个海湾的生态系统非常复杂和脆弱。The heavy gate had exerted considerable pressure on the flimsy post.厚重的大门对脆弱的柱子施加了极大的压力。Plans to build a new airfield could threaten the delicate ecology of the island.建造一个新机场的计划可能会对岛上脆弱的生态环境构成威胁。How many screwed-up adults are there now whose parents stayed together for the children's sake?有多少人年幼时父母因为自己没有离异,长大后神经变得敏感脆弱?I wanted you out of my sight. You were a constant reminder of my weakness, my cowardice.我要你从我的视线中消失。你的存在让我不断想起我的脆弱、我的怯懦。He smiled, making her suddenly feel oddly vulnerable.他微微一笑,让她突然感觉自己莫名其妙地脆弱起来。The movie is not for delicate people.这部影片不适合神经脆弱的人观看。That country is economically vulnerable but militarily a colossus.那个国家在经济上脆弱,而军事上是个巨人。My ankle is weak, so I always put a bandage on it to support it when I play tennis.我的脚踝很脆弱,所以打网球的时候我总是缠上绷带保护它。 |