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词汇 胸前
例句 Lie on your back, clasp your knees and pull them down towards your chest.仰卧,抱紧双膝,并拉向胸前The border guard folded his arms across his chest and glared.边防卫士双臂交叉放在胸前怒目而视。The General pinned on the medals.那位将军胸前别了很多勋章。The bombs were strapped to their chests.炸弹绑在他们的胸前Dick cradled her photograph against his breast.迪克把她的照片轻轻拥在胸前He could feel how damp his shirt was against his chest.他感觉到潮乎乎的衬衫贴在胸前A handkerchief perked from his breast pocket.一块手帕笔挺地插在他胸前的口袋里。The dog is black with a white spot on its chest.这只黑狗的胸前有个白点。He crossed his arms over his chest.他双手交叉,放在胸前You can strap the baby to your front or back and carry him with you.你可以将婴儿绑在胸前或背后带着走。As my newborn cuddled at my breast, her tiny fingers stroked my skin.我刚出生的宝宝蜷伏在我胸前,细小的手指触碰着我的肌肤。He embraced me, took his pectoral cross and hung it round my neck.他拥抱了我,摘下他胸前的十字架戴到了我的脖子上。She sat down in the chair and drew up her knees/legs. 她在椅子上坐下来,把双膝/两腿抵在胸前Sally ran out of the house, clasping her schoolbooks to her chest.萨莉胸前抱着她的教科书冲出了屋子。He stood in silence with his arms folded across his chest.他一声不响地站着,双臂交叉着放在胸前She stood still, head bowed, hands clasped in front of her.她一动不动地站着,低着头,双手紧扣在胸前Her chin sank onto her chest, and she looked despairing.她下巴耷拉到胸前,显得很绝望。She sat back, nestling against his chest.她坐着向后一靠,偎依在他的胸前Meer folded his arms over his chest and turned his head away.米尔双臂交叉在胸前,把头转到一边。On his breast was a massive pectoral of gold inset with opals.胸前戴着一个嵌着蛋白石的大金饰。She crossed herself as she stood before the altar.她立在祭坛前用手在胸前画了个十字。He reached into his breast pocket for his cigar case.他把手伸进胸前口袋里拿雪茄烟盒。He put a hand to his sternum and frowned. Indigestion.他把手按在胸前,皱起眉头。是消化不良。Conti kneeled and crossed himself piously.康蒂跪下来虔诚地在胸前画着十字。She knotted a sweater around her shoulders. 她把毛衣披在肩上,两个袖子在胸前打成结。Their jackets have the school's insignia on the front.他们的夹克胸前有校徽标识。He put his hand on his heart.他把手放在胸前Her head was resting comfortably against his chest.她的头舒服地靠在他胸前He sat bolt upright, hands folded in front of him.他笔直地坐着,双手在胸前交叠。Gabby pulled a shimmering gold evening dress out of a box and held it in front of her.加比从箱子里拉出一件金光闪闪的晚礼服,把它握在胸前The medals on their chests and the bright banners held by the standard bearers created a colourful tapestry.他们胸前的奖章与旗手手中鲜艳的旗帜构成了一幅色彩缤纷的画面。She sketched a hurried sign of the cross over her breast.她在胸前草草划了个十字。He kept a watch in his breast pocket.他在胸前口袋里放着一只表。She seized the letter and thrust it into her bosom.她一把夺过信来,塞进胸前衣襟。Her hand lifted up to her chest and rested there.她的手举到胸前,停在了那里。She hugged a pile of books against her chest.胸前抱着一大堆书。




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