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When the ball broke the window, the boys scattered and left George holding the bag.球击碎玻璃窗时孩子们一哄而散,让乔治一人背黑锅。His friends ran away and he was stuck/left holding the bag.他的几个朋友都溜了,只剩下他一个人背黑锅。I don't want to be left holding the bag if something goes wrong.如果出了什么问题,我可不想替人背黑锅。I wasn't going to take the fall for him.我不打算替他背黑锅。We are a luxury restaurant and if people have a bad experience, we have to carry the can.我们这是豪华饭店;如果客人用餐不愉快,背黑锅的就是我们。Alan's senior colleagues decided to let him carry the can.艾伦的那些高职位同事决定让他背黑锅。Taxpayers should not carry the can for corporate mistakes.纳税人不应该为公司犯下的错误背黑锅。Until the cause of the accident was proven, the company made it clear that it was not willing to take the rap.事故的原因查清之前,该公司明确表示不愿背黑锅。Why do I always have to carry the can when something goes wrong?为什么出了什么毛病就老得由我来背黑锅呢? |