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词汇 肥料
例句 He spread fertilizer on the field with a rake.他用耙子把地里的肥料摊匀。Nitrates are used as fertilizers in agriculture.硝酸盐在农业上用作肥料Add fertilizer to enrich the soil.施上肥料提高土壤肥力。He built up a trade in seeds, corn and manure.他逐步发展了经营种子、谷物和肥料的业务。Fertilizers can contain salts that build up in the soil.肥料中可能含有积聚在土壤中的盐分。The company said it will stop producing fertilizer next year because of continued losses.公司宣称因为出现持续亏损,下年将停止生产肥料Before you naturalize bulbs in your lawn, fertilize well.施足肥料后再将鳞茎移植到你的草坪上。Work in a balanced fertiliser before planting.种植前加入养分均衡的肥料This summer no amount of skill and fertilizer could persuade plants to grow.今年夏天即使用上再多的技术和肥料也没法使植物茁壮成长。Work in a balanced fertilizer before planting.种植前加入养分均衡的肥料The debris slowly decomposes into compost.残骸慢慢腐化成了肥料Throw the potato peelings on the compost heap.把土豆皮扔到肥料堆上。This plant is a gross feeder.这植物需要大量肥料Fertilizer promotes leaf growth.肥料促进叶子的生长。Dig some fertiliser into the soil first.先翻土把肥料掺入土壤里。The study measured the effect of fertilizers on the size of crops.这次调查测量肥料对于作物大小的影响。Guano is often used as a fertilizer.海鸟粪常用来作肥料I wiped out a whole crop of runner beans by mistaking weedkiller for plant food.我误把除草剂当肥料,结果把一季的红花菜豆都给毁了。Bone meal and nitrates are common fertilizers.骨粉和硝酸盐是普通肥料We feed the plants with a special fertilizer twice a week.每周我们给植物施两次特殊的肥料Unfortunately, fertilizers from surrounding farmland have reduced the aquatic life.不幸的是,周围农田排出的肥料令水生生物的数量减少了。Dig a large hole for the plant, then backfill with soil and compost.给植物挖一个坑,然后用泥土和肥料回填。Peat is sometimes used as a fertilizer.泥炭有时被用作肥料A single tractor was slowly spreading fertilizer over a huge wheatfield.仅有的一台拖拉机在一块很大的麦田上慢慢地播撒肥料The process recycles domestic waste to produce fertilizer.该工序回收生活垃圾,利用它来生产肥料The fertiliser releases nutrients gradually as bacteria decompose it.随着细菌的分解,肥料逐渐释放出各种营养成分。An excess of fertilizer is harmful to trees and other garden plants.过量的肥料对树木和其他的花园植物有害。The amount of fertilizer used was inadequate to ensure a good harvest.所用的肥料太少,无法保证有好收成。It's a good general fertilizer.这是一种很好的多用途肥料Adding fertilizer to the soil will help the plants to grow more quickly.土壤中添加肥料可使植物生长得更快。




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