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As Orwell pointed out, history can be and often is rewritten to suit the needs of the present.正如奥威尔指出的那样,历史能够而且经常被改写以迎合当下的需要。The House of Lords affirmed that the terms of a contract cannot be rewritten retrospectively.上议院申明合同条款改写后不具有追溯效力。The script was rewritten constantly during filming.在拍摄期间,剧本一直在进行修改。This text is rather to be deleted than rewritten.这篇课文与其重写还是删去为好。The House of Lords affirmed that the terms of a contract cannot be rewritten retrospectively.上议院申明合同条款改写后不具备追溯效力。Paras 5 and 6 will have to be rewritten.第五和第六段还得重写。The play has been rewritten in an attempt to make it more palatable to modern audiences.为了更好地迎合现代观众,这部剧被改编了。The script was rewritten to give it a happier ending.剧本重写后有了个较幸福的结局。There have been demands for the tax forms to be rewritten in plain English.有人要求用平白的英语来重新书写税务报表。The rules of dating have had to be rewritten, thanks to the movies.由于电影的影响,约会的规则已经不得不作出改变。 |