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词汇 肤浅
例句 The characters in this novel are two-dimensional and the story is shallow.这部小说人物不够真实,故事也很肤浅No doubt the committee will wave aside his nearsighted views.毫无疑问委员会对他的肤浅之见会置之不理的。She's the author of some fairly lightweight historical novels.她写了几部内容相当肤浅的历史小说。He's fun to be with, but he's very superficial.和他在一起很有趣,但是他见识很肤浅All his books are shallow.他的书都很肤浅They had a superficial knowledge/understanding of the topic.他们对这个题目只有肤浅的认识/理解。I think he is shallow, vain, and untrustworthy.我觉得他肤浅、爱慕虚荣而且靠不住。All the other girls seemed silly and superficial to Darlene.对达琳来说,其他女孩看起来都很愚蠢肤浅Tony seemed very shallow and immature.托尼看起来好像很肤浅,不够成熟。She is only interested in shallow things like clothes and money.她只对服装、金钱等肤浅的东西感兴趣。He's physically attractive, but shallow.他外表吸引人,但是内心肤浅The study is too superficial for us to reach any conclusion.这项研究太肤浅了,我们得不出任何结论。The author shows a weak/feeble/shaky grasp of military strategy.作者对军事策略的理解是浅薄/肤浅/不可靠的。Her boyfriends were all shallow creeps.她的男友们全是些肤浅的马屁精。I thought the film was pretty shallow.我认为这部电影很肤浅Every so often, this commercial television channel puts on an Arts programme with a capital A.在这商业电视频道中时常会播放一档内容肤浅的艺术节目。Always technically competent, the paintings are, however, curiously superficial.虽然技术上一向过关,不过奇怪的是这些画都很肤浅He has a rather tenuous grasp of reality.他对现实的认识很肤浅With one exception his novels are shallow and lifeless things.他的小说都是些肤浅沉闷的玩意儿,只有一本除外。The song is a corny piece of pop fluff.这是一首俗套肤浅的流行歌曲。The tone of his book is consistently negative, occasionally arrogant, and often superficial.他的书基调一贯是负面消极的,有时还有点儿傲慢自大,且常常流于肤浅The evening news is often criticized for being shallow.晚间新闻常因其内容肤浅而受到批评。Some of the discussion in the book is lightweight and unconvincing.书中的有些论述肤浅琐碎,毫无说服力。Some will think I am referring to the trite, fluffy, airy stuff that today passes for devotional writings.一些人会认为我指的是现今宗教作品普遍表现出的陈腐、肤浅、空洞。He's a shallow, disagreeable man.他是个肤浅、难相处的人。This can sometimes lead to somewhat superficial interactions with other people.这有时可能会导致与他人的交往流于肤浅I didn't believe in any of the characters in the book - they were somehow two-dimensional.我不相信书中的任何人物——他们被刻画得都有点肤浅I'm not interested in superficial relationships.我对肤浅的情爱关系不感兴趣。I thought that article was written at a very superficial level.我认为那篇文章写得很肤浅He claims that a lot of journalism is meretricious and superficial.他称许多新闻报道虚夸肤浅This guy is a superficial yuppie with no intellect whatsoever.这个家伙是个肤浅的雅皮士,没有什么头脑。His arguments seemed shallow and tedious.他的论点显得肤浅乏味。His assessment only serves to demonstrate the superficiality of the judgements we make when we first meet people.他的评价只能证明我们对人的第一印象是肤浅的。She once shallowly proclaimed to love his money.她曾肤浅地声称爱他的钱。She could no longer tolerate his shallowness.她再也无法忍受他的肤浅了。




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