例句 |
Tourists need to be wary of street hustlers near the station.游客要警惕车站附近的街头骗子。All authors need to be wary of inadvertent copying of other people's ideas.所有作者都需注意不要在无意中抄袭了他人的观点。People did not teach their children to be wary of strangers.过去人们不会教育孩子提防陌生人。They taught her to be wary of strangers.他们教育她要提防陌生人。Green consumers should be wary of manufacturers' claims that their products are environmentally friendly.绿色消费者应当慎重看待制造商所宣称的环保产品。We must teach children to be wary of strangers.我们一定要教育孩子警惕陌生人。 |