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词汇 early
例句 This is a beautiful example of early American poetry.这是美国早期诗歌的经典之作。There was an early-morning haze across the valley.山谷里弥漫着晨雾。I have to leave work early today, but I'll make up the time by working late tomorrow.我今天得早点下班,但是我明天会加班补上。She romped through the early rounds of the tournament.在锦标赛的前几轮比赛中她轻松过关。Book early to avoid disappointment.趁早预订以免落空。The thing is, the shops close early on Sundays.问题是,商店星期天很早就关门。Darkness falls early in the winter.冬天天黑得早。Pushing kids so hard from such an early age is likely to have some harmful results.从这么小就开始对孩子施加很大的压力,可能会产生不良的后果。Melanie trained for a career in music, but switched to photography in her early thirties.梅拉妮受过音乐方面的专门训练,但三十出头的时候改行干摄影了。We'll both be better for an early night.我们俩最好都早点睡。Is it too early to phone them?现在打电话给他们太早了吗?The editor labored over the manuscript till early morning.编辑辛辛苦苦修改稿件直到清晨。Tannen retired early due to health problems.由于健康问题,坦嫩提前退休。Vocal teachers in England are more favourably disposed to early music than their counterparts anywhere else in Europe.与欧洲其他国家的同行相比,英国的声乐教师对早期音乐作品偏爱有加。She thought back over her early married life; everything had been so different then.她回想起自己刚结婚时的生活,那时候一切都大不相同。The sensors provide early warning of the approach of enemy troops.这些探测设备对敌军的到来提供早期预警。Her early childhood inspired her to write her first novel.幼时的经历赋予她灵感,使她创作出第一部小说。Ravens nest very early in the spring and they pair off in the late autumn.渡鸦早春筑巢,晚秋交配。The early flowers are a welcome sight.提前绽放的花使人赏心悦目。We got back to the office in the early afternoon.我们在午后不久就回到办公室了。If I don't go to bed early I'll be a zombie tomorrow.我若不早点睡觉,明天就成呆子了。She lost herself in the beauty and freshness of this early spring morning.她陶醉在这个初春早晨的清新与美丽之中。The coach issued a diktat that all team members must attend early-morning practice.教练下了死命令,全体队员必须参加晨练。She scored a goal early in the game. 她在比赛一开始就进了一球。Strong dislikes of foods are early signs of pregnancy.特别讨厌一些食物是怀孕的早期征兆。I arrived at the church at two-thirty p.m. to find some early comers outside the main door.我下午两点半到达教堂,发现一些早到者已经在大门外了。We'll monitor closely in case early delivery of the baby is indicated.一旦出现婴儿早产的迹象,我们将密切监控。She started her job in early/mid-/late October.她在十月初/中旬/底开始工作。Much of his early work is concerned with the minutiae of rural life.他早期的许多作品关注的是农村生活中一些鸡毛蒜皮的琐事。I'd try to get there early if you can.要是你可以早到,我也会尽量早到。It's early you're talking about old age. You've tucks of time.你谈老年还早,你的日子还多着呢。Arriving early is no longer a guarantee of getting a place.早到已无法确保有位置。They are set for an early morning start.他们准备好清晨出发。Interest will be refunded in the event of early repayment of the loan.提前还贷的话利息可以退还。He pretexted an early engagement in town next morning.他推托说次日一早城里有个约会。Negotiations are not expected to resume until early next year.谈判要到明年年初才有望恢复。We'll have to start early to get there by lunchtime.我们必须早点出发,以便午饭前能够赶到那里。This form of cancer is survivable if it's detected early.若发现得早,这种癌症是可以治愈的。The plants put out early shoots.这些植物早早抽芽了。Housebound voters should register early for a postal vote.不能出门的选民应该尽早登记以邮寄选票。




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