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词汇 联队
例句 Hazard's spot kick was well saved by the United keeper. 哈扎的点球被联队的守门员稳稳地守住了。Manchester United would be at the front of a queue of potential buyers.在众多潜在的买家中,曼彻斯特联队将排在最前列。United have unearthed a real talent in this young defender.联队发掘了这名天才的年轻后卫。United risk losing him on a free transfer when his contract expires in May.当他的合同在五月份到期时,联队有可能会因自由转会失去这名球员。He follows Manchester United.他支持曼彻斯特联队United stayed on top throughout most of the match.联队在比赛的大部分时间里处于领先。He insists it's not too late for United to win the cup, though he admits it will be an uphill struggle.他坚持认为联队还有机会赢得奖杯,不过他承认这会是场艰苦的比赛。Newcastle United took the lead again last week.纽卡斯尔联队上星期再次领先。 United remain unbeatable at the top of the League.联队以不败战绩排在联赛第一位。United are hoping to overturn a two-goal deficit from the first leg.联队希望能扭转第一回合落后两球的局面。United provided a fine exhibition of skilful and exciting football.联队踢了一场球技精湛、扣人心弦的足球赛。United went down to the second division.联队降级为乙级队。The main formations of the R.A.F. are the flight, the squadron, the wing and the group.英国皇家空军的主要编队有小队、中队、联队和大队。Manchester United have been disqualified.曼彻斯特联队已被禁赛。This evening Manchester United take on Barcelona.今晚曼彻斯特联队要与巴塞罗纳队较量一番。Newcastle's first away game of the season was a baptism of fire against Manchester United.纽卡斯尔队本赛季的首次客场比赛对阵曼彻斯特联队,真是一场炮火洗礼。In the Cup Final, Leeds battled it out with the old enemy, Manchester United.在足总杯决赛中,利兹联队和宿敌曼彻斯特联队一决胜负。If they want promotion, United have got to pull their socks up.如果联队想要升级,那就得好好努力。United's new striker confounded the critics with his third goal in as many games.联队的新前锋以三场比赛三个入球让批评者目瞪口呆。Dundee United's Dave Bowman makes his international debut.邓迪联队的戴夫·鲍曼首次亮相国际比赛。United currently lie second from bottom of the Premier League.联队目前排在超级联赛的倒数第二位。Manchester United has always been a forward-looking club.曼彻斯特联队一直是一个具有前瞻性的俱乐部。United were a goal down, but hit back with an equalizer.联队落后一球,但又进了一球扳回了比分。Manchester United's new kit is launched today.今天曼彻斯特联队发布了新款全套球队运动装备。Leicester rarely threatened to pierce the Manchester United defence.莱切斯特城队很少能威胁到曼彻斯特联队的防线。The former Newcastle United centre half is a firm fans' favourite at his new club.在其效力的新俱乐部里,这位前纽卡斯尔联队的中场球员当仁不让成为球迷的最爱。Polish referee Ryszard Wojoik reported two Leeds United players for violent conduct.波兰裁判理夏德·沃耀克告发利联队的两名队员行为粗暴。I support West Ham – who do you support?我支持西汉姆联队。你支持谁呢?There are signs that the United team is starting to gel at last.有迹象表明联队终于开始配合默契了。United have established a clear lead, and are threatening to run away with the championship.联队明显领先,大有轻易获胜之势。United moved Giggs to play up front.联队将吉格斯移上去踢前锋。United were all over Rangers in the first half.比赛的上半场联队完全压制住了流浪者队。After a disappointing first half, United moved up a gear and took control of the game.上半场联队表现令人失望,但此后却表现出色,掌控了比赛的主动权。United are still my tip for the Title.我仍然认定联队会夺冠。United and Rangers are playing off for the championship.联队和流浪者队将加赛决定冠军归属。By the age of 19, Giggs was playing regularly for United's first eleven.十九岁时,吉格斯就经常入选联队首发阵容。As the pressure grew, United roused themselves again.随着压力的增大,联队再一次自我打气鼓励。Manchester United were by now oozing with confidence.曼彻斯特联队现在充满信心。Manchester United were a goal down against Real Madrid when Bobby Charlton equalized.曼彻斯特联队落后皇家马德里队一分,这时博比·查尔顿进球扳平了比分。It was the team's sixth consecutive win this season.这是联队在本赛季取得的第六场连胜。




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