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词汇 职责
例句 It's a reporter's job to keep tuned in to what's happening.记者的职责就是要随时注意正在发生的事情。Bowman said he had been perfectly happy in his role as director, before the change in job specifications.鲍曼说,在工作职责有变化之前,他是很满足于当主任的。He acquainted the new employee with her duties. 他帮助新职员了解了她的职责The government's sovereign duty is to protect the rights of its citizens.政府的首要职责就是保护公民的权利。It's his job to sniff out abuses of power.他的职责就是查究滥用权力的行为。It is the job of the marketing manager to create demand for the new product.为新产品创造需求是营销经理的职责It's up to the user to ensure the integrity of the data they enter.保证所输入数据的完整性是用户的职责A teacher's most important responsibility is to help her students. = A teacher's first responsibility is to/toward her students.教师的首要职责是帮助学生。Rescue teams had worked above and beyond the call of duty during the hurricane.飓风期间,救援队所做的远远超越了其职责的要求。Strict guidelines delimit his responsibilities.严格的指导原则清楚地说明了他的职责The inspector's function is not merely to pronounce judgement, but also to suggest improvements.检查员的职责不仅仅是公布评判结果,还要提出改进建议。They neglect their duty at the least hint of fun elsewhere.别处哪怕发生一丁点儿乐事,他们便会忘记自己的职责All members carry out their own particular functions.所有成员都有各自的职责要履行。Many people expect to let George do it when they are on a committee.许多人当上了委员后便指望别人去干自己职责范围以内的事。He had numerous other duties apart from teaching.他除教学之外,还有许多其他职责Her boss has given her a lot of responsibility/authority.老板给了她很多职责/权力。Her job was to cook the dinner.她的职责就是做饭。In your new job you will perform a variety of functions.在新的工作岗位上,你将要履行许多不同的职责Managers feel it is their duty to spy on the workforce.经理们认为暗中监视员工是他们的职责It was a case of role reversal: the father stayed home with the children while the mother worked.那是个职责转换的情况:父亲待在家照看孩子而母亲外出工作。Your responsibility is straightforward.你的职责是明确的。The monarch retains largely formal duties.君主在很大程度上只保留了形式上的职责The role of the press is to sell newspapers, not to solve crime.媒体的职责是卖报纸,不是破案。The coach's job is to get everyone pumped up for the game.教练的职责就是要让大家都热情高涨地投入比赛。His mission was to rid London of organized crime.他的职责是消除伦敦的团伙犯罪。One of her responsibilities is recruiting highly trained personnel.她的职责之一是招聘训练有素的职员。Momich's mission was to help young people in his local community.莫米奇的职责就是帮助他这个社区里的年轻人。The sergeant assumed his command responsibilities.该中士承担起了指挥的职责That's not part of his portfolio.那不属于他的职责范围。The very nature of your responsibility argues against your leaving before others.你的职责的性质本身说明你没有理由先他人而离去。We will meet with them to determine individual roles.我们将与他们会面,以确定各人的职责Legislation is the duty of a congress.立法是国会的职责I've done my part, and now it's time for him to do his.我已经尽了我的职责,现在该他了。It can be hard to juggle family responsibilities and/with the demands of a full-time job.既满足全职工作的要求,又承担好家庭的职责是很难的。We normally give new employees a little while to settle in before we overload them with responsibilities.我们一般给新员工一点时间适应,然后才塞给他们超负荷的职责It's a teacher's business to make children learn.教师的职责是使孩子们学习。He couldn't neglect his duties as an officer.他不会疏忽自己作为一名军官的职责A whole new set of responsibilities fell to me.一系列新的职责落在了我肩上。She was fired for not performing the duties outlined in her contract.她由于没有履行合同中规定的职责而被解雇了。She took her motherly duties very seriously.她很认真地担起了母亲的职责




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