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词汇 creation
例句 We have a common goal - the creation of a united Europe.我们有共同的目标—建立一个统一的欧洲。He reiterated his opposition to the creation of a central bank.他重申了自己反对成立央行的立场。The government is to provide more money for job creation.政府打算在创造就业岗位方面提供更多的资金。For the first time since creation, the survival of the Earth is entirely in our hands.自宇宙形成以来,地球的存亡第一次完全掌握在我们手中。He believes that unemployment is socially divisive and is leading to the creation of an underclass.他认为失业会造成社会分化,导致贫困阶层的产生。The proposals before the legislature include the creation of two special courts to deal exclusively with violent crimes.呈交立法机关的提案内容包括成立两个专门审理暴力犯罪的特别法庭。Job creation has become an imperative for the government.创造就业机会成了政府必须做的事。The inventor envisioned many uses for his creation.那个发明者为他的发明设想了许多用途。The plan envisaged the creation of regional councils.该计划设想成立地方议会。He was filled with pride at his creation.他对自己的创作倍感自豪。The government's main economic aim has been the creation of wealth.政府的主要经济目标是创造财富。Economic success and job creation go hand in hand.就业机会的增加与经济繁荣是分不开的。Have you seen my latest creation?你见过我的最新作品吗?How are humans different from the rest of creation?人类与世间其他万物有何不同?This led to the creation of a new, affluent middle class.这就促使了一个新的富裕的中产阶级的形成。The creation of the national railroad system unified the country.全国铁路系统的建立使这个国家连为一体。There's considerable uncertainty as to whether the government's job creation strategies will work.政府创造就业机会的策略能否奏效还有很大的不确定性。Japan's creation of a Western-style economy has been the country's lasting achievement.日本建立西方模式的经济体系是这个国家一个不朽的成就。The report proposed the creation of an independent Scottish parliament.报告提议创立一个独立的苏格兰议会。The whale, like the dolphin, has become a symbol of the marvels of creation.鲸和海豚一样,已经成为造物奇迹的象征。The theme of creation is a recurrent motif in Celtic mythology.天地万物的创造是凯尔特神话中反复出现的主题。Job creation will be an important issue in next year's elections.创造就业岗位将是下一年选举中的重要议题。They recommended the creation of a new government agency to be responsible for the environment.他们建议新成立一个政府机构来负责环境问题。The president has promised a new constitution and the creation of democratic power structures.总统保证要颁布新的宪法并创建民主的权力结构。He advocated the creation of a peace-keeping force.他主张建立一支维和部队。The creation of new playgrounds will benefit the local children.新游乐场的建立将有益于当地的儿童。The village has become much quieter since the creation of the by-pass.旁道修筑好以后,村里安静多了。The bathroom is entirely my own creation.这个浴室完全是我自己设计创作的。These changes will lead to the creation of new businesses.这些变革将带来新企业的诞生。Most societies have their own creation myths.大多数社会都有它们自己的创世神话。The whale is the largest mammal in creation.鲸是世上最大的哺乳类动物。He entered the dining-room with his creation and ceremoniously held it upside-down over his head.他带着作品走进餐厅,还煞有介事地把它倒着举过头顶。The Bible's creation story is not to be taken literally.《圣经》中的创世故事是不能按照字面意义理解的。They've traveled all over creation. 他们游遍了世界各地。He dropped all additional pursuits in order to nurse along his creation.为了继续创作,他把其他事情都放下了。His re-creation of the city is credible, with a substratum of fact to bolster the fiction.他对该城的再现是可信的,虚构之下有着史实作为支撑。These businesses stimulate the creation of local jobs.这些企业促进了当地的就业。Agatha Christie's greatest fictional creation was the Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot.阿加莎·克里斯蒂在小说方面的最大创造就是比利时侦探赫尔克里·波洛。The investigation involved careful re-creation of the crime scene.调查涉及仔细地再现犯罪现场。The motorway should aid the creation of new business in the area.高速公路应该有助于该地区创办新的企业。




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