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词汇 candles
例句 The supply of candles gave out.供应的蜡烛都用完了。He lit some candles and put on some mood music.他点燃几根蜡烛并播放了一曲抒情音乐。Relief during the blackout arrived in the person of my brother, who brought flashlights and candles.停电期间是我哥哥来救的急,他送来了手电和蜡烛。Street vendors peddled flowers and candles.街头小贩兜售鲜花和蜡烛。The candles on the table threw huge flickering shadows against the wall.桌子上的蜡烛在墙上投下巨大而跳动的影子。They had to conserve the candles now with winter upon them.冬天眼看就要到了,他们不得不把蜡烛省着用。The room was lighted by tallow candles.这间屋子用兽脂蜡烛照明。She puffed out her cheeks, made a wish, and blew out the candles on her cake.她鼓起腮帮子,许了个愿,然后吹灭了蛋糕上的蜡烛。They used candles to light the room. = They lighted/lit the room with candles.他们用蜡烛照亮房间。The candles are inspected for damage/defects before being packaged.蜡烛包装前进行了检查以防残损/瑕疵。One by one she snuffed out the candles.她把蜡烛一支支地吹灭。The art class spent its time molding candles.美术课上,学生们用模具做蜡烛。Common sense tells you to keep candles away from small children and pets.有常识的都知道,蜡烛要远离幼儿和宠物。Inside the shrine candles flicker next to statues of saints.圣殿内烛光摇曳,旁边是一尊尊圣像。She blew out the candles in a single puff. 她一口气吹灭了蜡烛。Ruby blew out all her candles at one go.鲁比一口气吹灭了所有的蜡烛。Close inspection of the candles revealed some small defects.经仔细检查发现蜡烛存在一些小瑕疵。The candles on the table added a touch of class.桌子上的蜡烛增添了一点别致的气氛。We collected all the old candles and melted them down to make one big candle.我们把所有的旧蜡烛都收集起来熔化掉,制成一根大蜡烛。You have to blow out all the candles or your wish won't come true.你得把所有蜡烛都吹灭,否则你许的愿不会实现的。They lit candles and said prayers for the dead.他们点上蜡烛,为死者念祷词。He had taken great pains to make the setting attractive: green candles stood waiting to be lit and in the centre was a bowl of white miniature roses.他费尽心思布置得漂亮些:绿色的蜡烛摆好等待燃点,中间是一盘微型白玫瑰。Electric lights have replaced candles.电灯已经取代了蜡烛。The candles gave the table a romantic touch.蜡烛给餐桌增添了一丝浪漫的色彩。She keeps flashlights and candles handy in case of a blackout.她准备了电筒和蜡烛以防停电。There are candles strategically placed-in case we have another blackout.我们的蜡烛放在合适的地方,以防再停电。She blew out the candles and made a wish.她吹灭蜡烛,许了一个愿。He blew out the candles on his birthday cake.他吹灭了生日蛋糕上的蜡烛。Choose candles that will tone in with your tablecloth and china.要挑选与你的桌布和瓷器协调的蜡烛。They substituted real candles with electric ones.他们用电子蜡烛代替了真正的蜡烛。At the festival, candles are blessed and sprinkled with holy water.在节日里,要对蜡烛祝圣,并洒以圣水。There was a sudden gust of wind and the candles blew out.突然刮起一阵风,把蜡烛吹灭了。It took him three blows to get all the candles out.他吹了三次才把所有的蜡烛吹灭。If the electricity goes off, they have candles in store in the closet.如果断电的话,他们在壁橱里备有蜡烛。You will find a little stack of candles in reserve.你会发现一小堆备用蜡烛。People had to buy in candles during the electricity strike.电厂工人罢工期间,人们不得不大量购买蜡烛。Be prepared for power cuts by buying lots of candles.要买很多蜡烛,为停电做准备。They celebrate midwinter by lighting candles.他们点燃蜡烛庆祝冬至。The lighting of the candles is symbolic.烛光具有象征意义。If the electricity goes off, we have candles in store in the closet.如果断电的话,我们在壁橱里备有蜡烛。




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