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词汇 cream
例句 The ice cream was melting and oozing out of its wrapper.这块冰激凌在融化,从包装纸渗了出来。The sheets are cream-colored.这些床单是米色的。That cream got rid of my skin rash.那种药膏治好了我身上的皮疹。Combine the egg yolks and the cream, and cook over a low heat.把蛋黄和奶油混合,再用小火烧。This means smaller banks can cream off big profits during lending booms.这意味着在贷款业务剧增时小银行能够获得大笔利润。I like cherry ice cream.我喜欢樱桃冰淇淋。The best ice cream in the world is made in Italy.世界上最好的冰淇淋产于意大利。She rewarded her children with ice cream for being so patient.她拿冰激凌奖励她的孩子,因为他们很耐心。Whip the cream continuously until it thickens and stands in peaks.不停搅打奶油,直到它变浓,像尖峰一样竖起来。Whip the cream lightly.轻轻地把奶油打稠。If she sees you with an ice cream she'll only start creating.要是看到你在吃冰激凌,她就会大发雷霆。Do you like cream in your coffee?你的咖啡要加奶油吗?If used on delicate skin, this cream may produce a stinging sensation.这种药膏用在娇嫩的皮肤上会产生刺痛感。The kids are stuffing themselves silly with ice cream.孩子们正一个劲儿地吃冰激凌。May I have a taste of your ice cream?我能不能尝一口你的冰激凌?Serve by cutting the scones in half and spreading with jam and lashings of clotted cream.上菜时把烤饼从中间切开,涂上果酱和大量的凝脂奶油。I'm strictly a chocolate ice cream woman. 我是爱吃巧克力冰激凌的女人。Gently apply the cream to the affected areas.把药膏轻轻涂抹在患处。Yogurt is a perfectly acceptable substitute for cream in cooking.酸奶是烹饪时特别受欢迎的奶油替代品。Mother knows how to make ice cream.母亲会做冰淇淋。Most pearls have a soft silvery-white or cream shine.珍珠大都有柔和的银白色或奶色光泽。The cream assists in the prevention of skin cancer.这种护肤霜对预防皮肤癌有帮助。Process cream cheese and tomato seeds until smooth.用料理机处理奶油干酪和番茄籽,使其爽口。This cream is good for healing minor cuts and bruises.这种药膏用来治轻微的刀伤和瘀肿效果很好。A glob of ice cream was stuck to his mustache.一小团冰激凌粘在了他的胡须上。Blend the ingredients until you have a smooth cream.将各种配料调和均匀做成乳脂。She puts face cream on every night.她每天晚上都涂面霜。Double cream contains approximately twice the quantity of fat-soluble vitamins as single cream.高脂厚奶油中脂溶性维生素的含量大约是稀奶油的两倍。This cream soothes aching muscles.这种乳膏可以舒缓肌肉疼痛。Our fish special tonight is salmon in a lemon-cream sauce.我们今晚的特色鱼是柠檬奶油沙司鲑鱼。He put sour cream on his baked potato.他在烤土豆上加了些酸奶油。Do you take cream in your coffee?你的咖啡要加奶油吗?She was concerned that I thought she was either nuts or an ice-cream addict.苏是担心我将她当成一个疯子或贪吃冰淇淋上瘾的人。Add the fruit and cream and blend well.加入水果和奶油,搅拌均匀。I'm strictly a vanilla ice cream man. 我这人非常喜欢吃香草冰激凌。He loves humongous baked potatoes piled high with sour cream.他酷爱堆积如山的烤马铃薯加酸奶油。This cream's gone off!奶油变质了!She gave them all extra helpings of ice-cream.她给他们每个人都加了冰激凌。The whipped cream is not stiff enough.这掼奶油还不够稠。Whisk the cream and sugar together.把奶油和白糖搅打在一起。




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