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词汇 翅膀
例句 Wings flick against the wind, pausing, kiting, hovering steadily higher.翅膀迎风轻弹,时而停顿,时而高飞,平稳地盘旋而上。Wings and feathers discriminate birds from other animals.翅膀和羽毛使鸟类区别于其他动物。The young bird fluttered its wings.雏鸟拍打著它的翅膀The poor little thing had hurt its wing.这可怜的小东西翅膀受伤了。The hummingbird beats its wings at great speed.蜂鸟高速振动翅膀The bird plucked at the down under its wing.鸟儿啄啄翅膀下的绒毛。There was a beating of wings overhead.头顶上传来翅膀的拍打声。The bird was beating its wings.那只鸟儿在不停地扇动着翅膀I had sprouted metaphoric wings.我长出了比喻意义上的翅膀Put stuffing into the cavity and truss the bird.把填料放入家禽的腔内,然后把腿和翅膀扎紧。He finds the comparison of insect wings with a sailing boat useful up to a point.他发现把昆虫的翅膀比作一艘帆船在某种程度上是有用的。The butterfly is black and white with a blue stripe running down each wing.这蝴蝶黑白相间,每只翅膀纵贯着一道蓝色条纹。Pigeons fluttered in and out, cooing gently.鸽子们低声咕咕地叫着,扑扇着翅膀飞进飞出。It had white markings on its wings.翅膀上有白色的斑点。The bird flapped its wings.那只鸟拍打着翅膀Although it cannot fly, the bird still has vestigial wings.尽管不能飞,但这种鸟仍有已退化的翅膀Some insects have only rudimentary wings.有些昆虫的翅膀已退化。The bird walked slowly, dragging one wing along.那只鸟拖着一只翅膀缓慢移动。There was a flutter of wings as the birds took flight.鸟儿飞起时会振动翅膀The ducks took wing and flew away.鸭子扑棱着翅膀飞走了。With a rustle of wings the bird landed on the window ledge.小鸟沙沙地扇着翅膀落在窗沿上。The bird was plucking at the down under her wings.鸟啄理着翅膀下的绒羽。With a flutter of wings, the birds settled into the nest.鸟儿扇着翅膀归巢了。The poor bird couldn't fly because it had a broken wing.这只可怜的鸟飞不起来了,因为它的翅膀断了。The bird fluttered its wings wildly but it could not get off the ground.鸟儿拼命扑打着翅膀,但仍不能飞离地面。The bird's wings flailed the water.这只鸟用翅膀使劲地拍水。It flapped its wings and flew off.它拍打着翅膀飞走了。A close examination of the butterfly showed that it had four wings.仔细察看蝴蝶发现它有两对翅膀Cupid is usually depicted as a winged boy with a bow and arrow.丘比特常被描绘成手持弓箭长着翅膀的小男孩。A small bird flapped its wings furiously and flew off.一只小鸟用力扑扇翅膀,向上飞去。The swan stands close by, its great wings folded, watching.那只天鹅站在不远处,收起两只大翅膀,注视着。A pigeon emerges, wings flapping noisily, from the tower.一只鸽子从塔里钻出来,扑扑地拍打着翅膀He winged a pheasant.他打伤了一只雉鸡的翅膀The wing of a bat and the arm of a man are homologous structures.蝙蝠的翅膀和人类的手臂是相应的同源结构。The bird expanded its wings.鸟儿张开了翅膀The bird soared higher with each stroke of its wings.那只鸟每扇动一次翅膀就飞得更高一点。The bird was beating its wings against the sides of the cage.鸟扑扇翅膀拍击笼框。A small bird fluttered past the window.一只小鸟拍打着翅膀飞过窗前。Some people like to truss up the turkey.有些人喜欢烹饪前把火鸡的腿和翅膀扎紧。The bird feebly beat its wings.这鸟无力地拍动著翅膀




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