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词汇 美元
例句 The newspaper reported that he had supplemented his income with thousands of dollars from the federal budget.报纸上报道说他中饱私囊,侵吞了数千美元的联邦预算。Fifty dollars will be counted towards your next bill.五十美元将计入你下次的账单。They illegally drew off thousands of dollars that had been donated to the charity.他们非法挪用了捐给慈善机构的数千美元Should we be worried that a dollar crisis threatens the economy?我们应该为美元危机对经济造成威胁感到担忧吗?The dollar broke, but the yen remained stable.美元贬值,日元却保持着稳定。She earns more than a hundred thou a year.她一年能挣十多万美元I charge twenty dollars an hour plus out-of-pocket expenses.我一小时收取二十美元,还有一些实付费用。The drop was caused partly by the pound's strength against the dollar.下降的部分原因在于英镑对美元的升值。The US dollar closed higher in Tokyo today.东京今天美元收高。It's good practice to always carry a few dollars in cash.兜里总装着几美元现金是个明智之举。Electronics firm Compol chipped in with over $20,000.电子产品公司康贝出了两万多美元The car is probably worth a lot more, but she agreed to let it go for five thousand dollars. 这辆车可能很值钱,但她只要五千美元就同意出手。There are two chicken dishes under eight dollars listed on the menu.菜单上有两种鸡肉菜,都不到八美元To the surprise of many Wall Street traders, the dollar rose yesterday.使很多华尔街经纪人吃惊的是,昨天美元上涨了。The dollar finished the day up against foreign currencies.美元对外币走高收盘。I value this necklace at $5,000.我估计这条项链值五千美元Treasury officials are trying to orchestrate a sharp decline in the dollar.财政部官员正在精心策划让美元暴跌。The repairs will probably run into thousands of dollars.维修费可能会达数千美元之多。The restaurant has been taking in thousands of dollars a night.那家餐厅一直都是一个晚上就进账数千美元The dollar fell to within a hair's breadth of its all-time low.美元几乎跌至历史最低点。An increase in interest rates will lift the value of the dollar.利率的提高会使美元升值。We spent thirty dollars and had ninety left.我们花了三十美元,还剩九十美元You can obtain a copy for $2 from New York Central Art Supply.花两美元就能从纽约艺术用品中心买到一册。Many analysts think the dollar is on an uptrend.很多分析家认为美元走势坚挺。The government was ready to let the pound sink to parity with the dollar if necessary.政府准备在必要的时候将英镑降到与美元平价。The dollar sank even lower yesterday on world markets.昨天美元在世界市场上进一步下跌。In trading today, the dollar moved up.在今天的交易中,美元升值了。She splashed out $1500 on a camera.她满不在乎地花一千五百美元买了一架照相机。Why has the dollar rocketed against the yen in particular?为何美元对日元的兑换率升得特别快呢?The Canadian dollar was once on a par with the U.S. greenback.加元曾一度与美元等值。Oil prices are fixed in dollars.原油以美元计价。Payments should be made by credit card or bank draft in US dollars.必须通过信用卡或银行汇票以美元支付。The minimum wage is 4.25 dollars an hour.最低工价为每小时四点二五美元I had just $7 left, and foolishly squandered $5 in the bar that night.我只剩下七美元,那一晚在酒吧里就愚蠢地花掉了五美元The dollar has been strong.美元一直坚挺。Farmers have faced the double whammy of a rising dollar and falling agricultural prices.美元升值加上农产品价格下跌对农民而言可谓是双重打击。I spent more than $4000 before I realized the whole thing was a scam.等我发现整件事是一场骗局时已经花了四千多美元了。The car went for $3,000.这车子卖了三千美元Until now, a devaluation of the dollar seemed inconceivable.直到现在,美元的贬值似乎都无法想象。The bill came to fifty-something dollars.账单总共五十多美元




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