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词汇 罗马尼亚
例句 Juanito scored for the Spaniards with only two minutes left, but the Romanians held on.华尼托在仅剩两分钟时为西班牙队进了一球,但罗马尼亚队将优势保持到了终场。A Romanian judge has asked for a Constitutional Court ruling on the law.一位罗马尼亚法官已经请求宪法法院就该法作出裁定。The monarchy does not excite strong feelings among the majority of Romanians.君主制并没有在大多数罗马尼亚人心中激发起强烈的感情。Moldavians and Romanians share a common language.摩尔达维亚人和罗马尼亚人使用同一种语言。The President denounced the demonstrators as unrepresentative of the Romanian people.总统谴责示威者,说他们并不能代表罗马尼亚人民。Revitalising the Romanian economy will be a long haul.复兴罗马尼亚的经济将会是一项长期的任务。This is Romania's most prominent independent newspaper.这是罗马尼亚最重要的独立报纸。Losing the match against Rumania, dealt a huge blow to the team.比赛输给了罗马尼亚对于这支球队是一个沉重的打击。I hope it will stimulate renewed interest by British business in Romania.我希望这会重新激起英国企业在罗马尼亚投资的兴趣。Florin Raducioiu scored four goals, putting Romania in the lead.弗洛林·拉杜乔尤进了四球,使罗马尼亚队处于领先地位。Romania's government issued a last-minute appeal to him to call off his trip.罗马尼亚政府最后一刻恳请他取消行程。The Romanian rowers pulled ahead with powerful strokes.罗马尼亚划桨手凭借有力的划水占据了领先位置。Ilie remembers the harsh living conditions in Romania.伊利耶记得罗马尼亚艰苦的生活条件。Moldavia, a republic of more than 4 million people, borders Romania.摩尔达维亚,一个有四百多万人口的共和国,与罗马尼亚接壤。Romania badly needs aid to modernize its outmoded industries.罗马尼亚亟需援助以使其落后的工业实现现代化。The Romanian government yesterday unveiled a new, scaled-down security force.罗马尼亚政府昨天对外公布了精简编制后新组建的安全部队的情况。Our work in Uganda and Romania adds a wider perspective.在乌干达和罗马尼亚的工作经历更加开阔了我们的视角。Romania suffered another setback in its efforts to obtain financial support for its reforms.罗马尼亚为改革寻求经济援助的努力再次受挫。Romania badly needs aid to modernise its outmoded industries.罗马尼亚亟需援助以使其落后的工业现代化。Caryl Churchill's play about Romania is already outdated.卡里尔·丘吉尔关于罗马尼亚的戏剧已经过时了。The fall of the Ceausescu government brought new-found freedom to millions in Romania.齐奥塞斯库政府的倒台给数百万罗马尼亚人带来了全新的自由。




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